Шпаргалка по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка

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The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.

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02.Trav WB+.doc

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03. Tourism@+ Voc.doc

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05. Cust.PassCtrl+Voc.doc

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06. PostOffice@ WB+Voc.doc

— 28.00 Кб (Просмотреть файл, Скачать файл)

07. Shop.Mrkt+Voc .doc

— 54.50 Кб (Просмотреть файл, Скачать файл)

08 Entertain.Thea@+Voc.doc

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11.Climate@ +Voc.doc

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12.Clothes@ WB+.doc

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13.Sports@ WB+Voc.doc

— 77.00 Кб (Скачать файл)

        In the US darts is a popular game in bars. The teams sometimes have humorous names, such as The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Flying Syringes. US dart teams are organized into leagues that play for money. Competitions include the Bluebonnet Classic and the Treasure Island Open.




go in for sports - зaниматьcя cnopтoм

swimming - плавание

rowing - rpeбля

ski - kaтаться нa лыжax

skate - кататься на коньках

toboggan - кататься на санях 

figure skating- фигурное катание на  коньках 

speed skating - скоростной бег на коньках 

Alpine skiing - горнолыжный спорт

track-and-field athletics - легкая атлетика

“Queen of Sport” -  королева спорта

В. С. (before Christ) - до нашей эры 

sprint - бег на короткие дистанции 

medium (middle) distance race - бег на средние  дистанции 

long-distance race - бег на длинные дистанции

steeple-chase - бег с препятствиями

relay-race - эстафетный бег 

cross-country race - бег по пересеченной  местности 

hurdling - барьерный бег 

marathon race - марафонский бег 

high jump - прыжок в высоту 

long jump - прыжок в длину 

hop, step and jump (triple jump) - тройной прыжок

pole vault - прыжок с шестом 

throwing - метание

discus throwing - метание диска 

hammer throwing - метание молота

jjavelin throwing - метание копья

shot-put - толкание ядра 

walking - ходьба (спортивная)

What а delightful game! - Какая великолепная игра!

for hours on end - несколько часов подряд

by the way - между прочим

How about joining them? - Может быть, присоединимся к ним?

I'm all for it. - Я за.

half an hour to spare - полчаса свободного времени

We shall be all the better for it. - Нам это будет на пользу.

It's а go. - Значит, договорились.

to address the referee - обращаться к судье

we are sure to remember - мы непременно  будем помнить 

match sheet  - протокол соревнования 

Quit coaching! - Перестань поучать!

time-out - минутный перерыв 

I clean forgot about it. - Я совсем забыл об этом.

I seem to be missing а lot of excitement. - Я, кажется, лишаю себя

                                                               большого удовольствия.

Why, don’ you care for football? - Неужели ты не любишь футбол?

It's funny .- Смешно сказать,  непостижимо, 

All people cheer for some team. - Все  люди болеют за какую-нибудь


four years on end - четыре года подряд

in the first place - во-первых

play without giving offences to their opponents - играть без

                                                 нарушения правил (без грубостей)

They have seldom been put out of the game.- Их редко удаляли с


in favour of... - в пользу...

gymnastics - гимнастика (спортивная)

fencing - фехтование

wrestling - борьба

boxing - бокс 

team - команда 

competition - соревнование 

contest - состязание

indoor games - игры в зале 

outdoor games - игры на открытых  площадках 

fan - болельщик 

referee - судья 

service - подача (мяча)

Go ahead! - Давай! Вперед!

coach - тренер 

score - счет (в игре)

to score а goal - забить гол 

ball-control - ведение (контроль) мяча

kicking the ball - удар по мячу ногой

trapping the ball - остановка мяча (игроком)

throwing-in - вбрасывание (мяча)

tackling - блокировка, отбор мяча

national championship - первенство страны

individual championship - личное первенство

winner - победитель 

loser - проигравший 

to forge ahead - вырваться вперед

to move into the lead - выдвинуться в лидеры

to win on points - выиграть по очкам

to set up a record - устанавливать рекорд

to break up a record - побить рекорд

callisthenics - художественная гимнастика

swimming - плавание 

diving - прыжки в воду 

cycling - велоспорт 

weight-lifting - тяжелая атлетика.


Answer the  questions

  1. Do you often take part in competitions?
  2. What kind of competition do you participate in?
  3. What sports club do you belong to?
  4. Who is contesting with our team now?
  5. What do you think the chances are?
  6. Where did the competition take place?
  7. Which team has forged ahead?
  8. Who has moved into the lead?
  9. Which is the winner team?
  10. Who has run second?
  11. What team became the champion at the competition?
  12. How much time did you train for this competition?
  13. Is track-and-field athletics a worldwide sport?
  14. From what activities did it derive?
  15. Are running jumping and throwing necessary activities for everyday living?
  16. When and where did the first competition in track-and-field take place?
  17. What physical qualities does it develop?
  18. What events does track-and-field include?
  19. Where do jumpers, runners, shot-putters and hammer-throwers train?
  20. Is track- and-field athletics popular in our country?
  21. Did you ever engage in track-and-field?
  22. Can we say that track-and-field is the leading sport in our country?
  23. Are you a football player?
  24. What team do you play for?
  25. When did you begin to go in for football?
  26. Where is football played?
  27. How many football players constitute a team?
  28. Are you a football fan?
  29. What football team do you support?
  30. What sporting qualities does football develop?
  31. How many football teams are there in our country?
  32. How many football teams play in League “A”?
  33. Name the most resultative football players in our country (in the world)?
  34. What is the duty of linesmen?
  35. When did our national football team win the title of the Olympic champion?
  36. When is the game termed a “draw”?
  37. How long do football players train?
  38. Where are they trained?


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15.Art@ WBe+Voc.doc

— 177.50 Кб (Просмотреть файл, Скачать файл)

16.Med.Health WB+Voc.doc

— 30.50 Кб (Просмотреть файл, Скачать файл)

at the post office_telecommunications.doc

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Our New Selection.doc

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Prime Min..doc

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travelling by sea and air.doc

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