Шпаргалка по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка

Описание работы

The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.

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02.Trav WB+.doc

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03. Tourism@+ Voc.doc

— 70.50 Кб (Просмотреть файл, Скачать файл)


— 87.50 Кб (Просмотреть файл, Скачать файл)

05. Cust.PassCtrl+Voc.doc

— 70.50 Кб (Скачать файл)

5. Custom-House. Passport Control (Crossing the Border)


At The Customs-House

The moment a traveller crosses the border his luggage is taken to the customs house by porters. Every country has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are liable to duty and what are duty-free. Sometimes an article, which falls under customs restrictions and is liable to duty, is allowed in duty-free if the traveller does not exceed a certain fixed quota. These are listed in a duty-free quota list. Customs restrictions also include a prohibited article list. This is a list of interns, which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it. An official paper (from the proper authorities) giving permission to take items, which fall under special customs restrictions, in or out of a country is known as an import or export licence.

If the traveller has any item, which comes under customs restrictions, he is asked to declare it. That is, he is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. The declaration is made either orally or in writing on a special form. The practice seems to vary in different countries. Upon payment of duty the traveller is given a receipt. As a rule personal items are duty-free.

It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully one through in order to prevent smuggling.

The formalities at file customs house usually take some time. Only after passing through the customs (Only when one's luggage has been cleared by the customs) does one realise that his journey is drawing to an end (or beginning, as the case might be).


Supplementary text

          We were spending the night at a small town in Texas. It was a good shopping –place for people driving across the continent, and the hotel was full. Everyone went to bed early. At ten o’clock a woman in one of the rooms put in a call to Washington, and in the house you could hear every word she said. She wanted a Major Tompkins but she didn’t know his number; she told the operator that he was in the War Department. Finally she got on to Washington, and when the operator told her she couldn’t find him, she flew into temper and said that everyone in Washington knew Major Tompkins. It was very important, she said, and she had to speak to him. She was cut off and in a few minutes tried again. She tried every quarter of an hour. She made more and more noise. Nobody could sleep. Indignant guests phoned the office, and the night manager came up and tried to make her be quiet. We listened to her angry replies but he lost the battle, and when he left her she started once more to ring. She rang and rang. She shouted. Angry men and women in dressing-gowns went into the passage and banged on her door, telling her to stop making so much noise so that they could sleep. She told them go to hell. The manager was again called up and as he didn’t know what else to do he sent for a sheriff. The sheriff came but he could do nothing and he sent for the doctor. Meanwhile she rang and rang screaming at the operator. The doctor came, saw her and said he could do nothing. She went on telephoning. She screamed that she must get Major Tompkins; it was a matter of life and death. At last she got him. It was four in the morning and no one in the hotel had shut an eye. “Have you got Major Tompkins?” she asked the operator. “You’re quite sure you’ve got him? Is he on the line?” Then, with concentrated fury pronouncing her words very slowly to make them more emphatic:

       “Tell – Major – Tompkins – that – I – don’t – want to speak – to him.” With that she banged the receiver down on the craddle.

                                                      (After S. Maugham)



customs house (the Customs) – таможня

customs regulations – таможенные правила

stipulate - оговаривать 

to be liable to duty (to be dutiable) – подлежать обложению 

                                                       таможенной пошлиной

to be duty-free – не подлежать  обложению пошлиной

customs restrictions – таможенные  ограничения

quota – предельная норма,  квота

exceed the quota – превысить норму

duty-free quota list – список предметов,  разрешенных к  

                                беспошлинному ввозу

prohibited articles list – список товаров,  ввоз и вывоз которых 


fall (come) under restrictions – попадать под ограничения

import (export) licence – импортная (экспортная) лицензия

declare smth. – заявлять о вещах,  ограниченных для ввоза и  

                            вывоза за границу

           e. g. Do you have anything to declare? – У вас есть вещи,  

                                       ограниченные для ввоза за границу.

particulars – необходимые сведения, подробности

particulars of the amount, weight and value – точные данные о 

                                                  количестве, весе, стоимости

payment of duty – оплата  пошлины

pay duties on smth. – платить пошлину

receipt – квитанция, расписка

items (articles, belongings, things) – вещи

personal items – вещи, личные

things liable to duty – вещи, облагаемые пошлиной

things to be declared – вещи, ограниченные для ввоза и вывоза за


go through (one’s  luggage, etc.) – осматривать багаж

smuggle smth in (out) – провозить  что-либо тайком

smuggling - контрабанда 

clear one’s luggage by the customs – производить таможенный

                                                           досмотр багажа

At The Frontier

Robert's car and its occupants have arrived at the Polish frontier. They

are approaching the customs clearance point.

Jim:        Well, here we are at last. What does that notice say?

Jane:      (reads) “We welcome you to Poland”. “Car drivers and

              passengers  are advised to proceed to the customs clearance

              point, which is three hundred metres ahead”.

Robert:   Good thing there isn't much traffic about yet. We'll get through

              the customs pretty quickly, I expect.

Jim:        We wouldn't have, if we’d stopped for a second breakfast,

              which all of you wanted to do.

Robert:   Here we are, this seems to be the customs shed.

Maggie:  Yes, but look here! Between us we've got a portable radio,

              three  cameras, a typewriter and a tape-recorder, and most of

              them brand new, which is bound to make them suspicious.

Jane:      It says something about that here, Maggie. (reads) “Cameras,

              typewriters and portable radios, which are dutiable, must be

              entered on the customs declaration form”.

Jim:        Where do we get hold of that?

Robert:   There's another notice about that over their (reads) “Customs

              declaration forms, which must be completed in triplicate are

              available at counter Number three”. Here you are. Let's start

              filling  them in while we're waiting, The queue's quite short.

Voice over loudspeaker: Will Mr. R. Simpson, who is driving a blue

             Austin with a British registration please reports at the main


Robert:  I wonder what that can be about?

Maggie: Oh dear! Suppose we've done something illegal! Suppose they

             turn us back!

Jim:       Why should they? If we weren't allowed to bring in cameras

             and typewriters, we'd have been told about it earlier, when we

             got our  visas at the Polish consulate.

Maggie: But what can they possible want Robert for?

Jim:       He'll tell us himself. He's just coming back.

Jane:      Well? What was it?

Robert:  They wanted me to shift the car. It was in the way. That was all.

Jim:      You see, Maggie! Look, it's our turn. Got the forms ready? Customs Officer: Good morning. May I see your declaration forms?

              Thank you. Are you just travelling through Poland, or will you

              be staying for some time?

Robert:   We've going on to Moscow, But we're going to stay in Warsaw

              for three or four days,

Customs Officer: Would you open these two large suitcases, please?

              Thank you. Of course, you’ll have to bring the typewriter,

              cameras and radio out again, so don't lose this form. Thank you,    

              that’s all.

Maggie:  Is that really all?

Customs Officer: Yes that’s all. I hope you enjoy your visit to Poland.


All the others: Good-bye. Thank you very much.



frontier - граница

customs clearance point – таможенный зал

are advised to proceed – просят пройти

get through the customs – пройти таможенный осмотр

between us – мы все вместе

is bound to make them suspicious – наверное, возбудит подозрение

enter on the customs declaration form – внести в таможенную


to be dutiable – подлежать обложению  таможенной пошлиной

get hold of - достать

fill in a declaration (an entry-form) – заполнить декларацию

Will Mr. Simpson please report – господин Симпсон, вас просят


get visa – получить визу

bring out – вывезти обратно


Supplementary words and phrases

customs office – таможенное  управление 

customs officer – таможенник, служащий таможни

customs inspection (clearing) – таможенный досмотр

go through the customs – проходить таможенный досмотр

customs barriers – таможенные барьеры

to be released (cleared) by the custom – пройти таможенный


leave smth in the care of the customs-house – оставить что-либо

                                                                на хранении в таможне

observe customs regulations – выполнять  таможенные правила

break customs regulations – нарушать  таможенные правила

duty(-ies) – пошлина(-ы) 

customs duty – таможенная  пошлина

collection of customs duty – взимание  таможенной пошлины

duty-paid – оплаченный  пошлиной

make smb pay duty on smth – наложить пошлину

duty-free importation – беспошлинный ввоз

there is a duty of 150 per cent on smth – таможен. пошлина в

                                                            размере 150 % на …

passport - паспорт 

send a passport to be vised – посылать паспорт на визу

passport check-point – паспортный контроль

go through a passport check-point – проходить паспортный


formalities - формальности 

fulfilment of formalities – выполнение формальностей

currency - валюта

exchange currency – обменивать валюту

exchange rate – обменный курс

at the rate – по курсу

currency exchange desk – пункт обмена валюты


Answer the questions

  1. What are we supposed to do before we are allowed to enter a foreign country?
  2. Who must examine our luggage?
  3. What are the duties of a customs officer?
  4. If we happen to have some articles upon which duty should be paid, what should we do then?
  5. We are usually asked to declare something that we have in our luggage aren't we?
  6. What is the meanings of the question “Have you got anything to declare?” one hears at the customs house so often?
  7. What does the phrase “I have nothing to declare” mean?
  8. Do customs restrictions vary in different countries?
  9. What are we expected to do if we have any things liable to duty?
  10. What things as a rule are people allowed to take with them into a foreign country without paying any duty on them?
  11. What do we mean when we say that something is a duty-free item?
  12. What do we mean by saying that something is a dutiable item?
  13. Do you happen to know any of the customs restrictions imposed by Russian Customs Regulations?
  14. What do we call an official paper stating formal permission of the proper authorities allowing some goods to be taken out of or taken into a country?
  15. What does the expression “to exceed the quota” mean when applied to the customs restrictions?
  16. Do you know whether the customs regulations of some countries provide for the return of customs duties which have been paid by foreigners on entering the country? Is this done on presentation of the receipt and the dutiable item at the customs when leaving the country?
  17. Have you gone through a Customs inspection? Recall your experience.


                              Fill in the Customs Declaration

                                                                                               T – 6


Keep for the duration of your     Persons giving false information in the

stay in the RF or abroad.           Customs Declaration, or to Customs

Not renewable in case of loss.    officers shall render themselves under            

                                                 laws of the RF.


Customs Declaration


Full name __________________________________________

Citizenship _________________________________________

Arriving from _______________________________________

Country of destination ________________________________

Purpose of visit _____________________________________                                              

                                    (business, tourism, private, etc.)

My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Custom inspection consists of _________________pieces.


With me in my luggage I have:

  1. Weapons of all descriptions and ammunition __________________
  2. Narcotics and appliances for the use thereof  __________________
  3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures, etc.)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________


IV.Russian rubbles, Russian State Loan bonds, Russian lottery tickets



  1. Currency other than Russian rubbles (bank notes, exchequer bills, coins), payment voucher (cheques, bills, letters of credit, etc.), securities (shares, bonds, etc.) in foreign currencies, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, metals of platinum group) in any form or condition, crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewelry and other articles made of precious metals and precious stones, and scrap thereof, as well as property papers:



Amount / quantity

For official use


in figures

in words


US Dollars


Pounds Sterling


French Francs





  1. Russian rubbles, other currency, payment vouchers, valuables and 

06. PostOffice@ WB+Voc.doc

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07. Shop.Mrkt+Voc .doc

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08 Entertain.Thea@+Voc.doc

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11.Climate@ +Voc.doc

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12.Clothes@ WB+.doc

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13.Sports@ WB+Voc.doc

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15.Art@ WBe+Voc.doc

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16.Med.Health WB+Voc.doc

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at the post office_telecommunications.doc

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Our New Selection.doc

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Prime Min..doc

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travelling by sea and air.doc

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