Тесты по "Лексикологии"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 16:07, тест

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Тесты по английскому языку.

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19652 Лексикология тест 3 кредита 12-13 год - копия.doc

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    1. Simile
    2. Metaphor
    3. Metonymy
    4. Irony
    5. Alliteration


350.Flower – flour

    1. Homophones
    2. Homographs
    3. Synonyms
    4. Antonyms
    5. Euphemisms


351.She is in a family way

    1. Euphemism
    2. Homonym
    3. Homograph
    4. Antonym
    5. Synonyms


352.What is WC?

    1. Euphemism
    2. Homonym
    3. Homograph
    4. Antonym
    5. Synonyms


353.Grammatical meaning is …

    1. Formal
    2. Main
    3. Significant
    4. Notional
    5. Lexical


354.Define the word with noun – forming suffix

    1. Employee
    2. Identify
    3. Beautiful
    4. Noiseless
    5. Characterize


355.Submarine is a ….. word

    1. Latin
    2. Greek
    3. French
    4. German
    5. English


356.Personal nouns suffixes are …

    1. –an, - ee, -ist, -er
    2. – ate, - en, -fy
    3. – able, -ible, -ful
    4. – ish, -ic, -al
    5. –th, -teen


357.V – day, H – bomb are

    1. Contracted compounds
    2. Derivated acronyms
    3. Blending
    4. Conversion
    5. Derivation


358.Splinters are

    1. Blending
    2. Conversion
    3. Derivation
    4. Sound imitation
    5. Sound interchange


359.Find homonyms to “sew”

    1. So
    2. Sore
    3. Surf
    4. Saw
    5. Screw


360.Find synonyms to “belly”

    1. Stomach
    2. Surf
    3. Saw
    4. Sore
    5. Screw


361.               Which of the following words contain demunitive suffixes

      1. booklet, hanky
    1. heroine, actress
    1. poetic, picturesque
      1. cloudy, girlish
      1. funny, sunny


362.Words that are made up of elements derived from two or more different languages

    1. Hybrids
    2. Synonyms
    3. Antonyms
    4. Euphemisms
    5. All answers are correct


363.A word which belongs with original English word stock

    1. Native
    2. French
    3. Latin
    4. German
    5. All answers are correct


364.Borrowings not completely assimilated graphically

    1. Ballet
    2. Refugee
    3. Development
    4. Nasty
    5. Derivation


365.Borrowings not completely assimilated graphically

    1. Cliché
    2. Refugee
    3. Development
    4. Nasty
    5. Derivation


366.What are causes of semantic change?

    1. Extra – linguistic and linguistic
    2. Etymological
    3. National
    4. Synonymic
    5. Syllabic


367.Words having only one meaning are called…

    1. Monosemantic
    2. Polysemantic
    3. Monosyllabic
    4. Polysyllabec
    5. Synonym


368.Monosemantic words are mainly…

    1. Terms
    2. Slang
    3. Jargon
    4. Poetic diction
    5. Dialectisms


369.Buzz is motivated

    1. Phonetically
    2. Morphologically
    3. Semantically
    4. Syntactically
    5. All variants are correct


370.Out of …, out of mind.

    1. Sight
    2. Cite
    3. Site
    4. Slight
    5. All variants are correct


371.It never rains, but it …

    1. Pours
    2. Paws
    3. Prones
    4. Pipes
    5. Proves


372.Lexical nucleus of words

    1. Radicals
    2. Functional morphemes
    3. Ending
    4. Phoneme
    5. All variants are corret


373.Who suggested IC’s?

    1. L.Bllomfield
    2. Zyhova I.
    3. Antrushina
    4. Smith
    5. S.Johnson


374.The formation of a new word by combining two or more stems is called …

    1. Word composition
    2. Conversion
    3. Derivation
    4. Sound imitation
    5. Sound interchange


375.The formation of a word by cutting off a part of the word

    1. Shortening
    2. Conversion
    3. Sound imitation
    4. Derivation
    5. Word composition


376.The formation of a new word by combining parts of two words

    1. Blending
    2. Conversion
    3. Shortening
    4. Derivation
    5. Composition
      1. The word “lexicology” come from
    6. Greek
    7. French
    8. Latin
    9. English
    10. Spanish


378.Antonyms belong to…

    1. The same part of speech
    2. All answers are right
    3. To verbs and nouns
    4. To nouns and adjectives
    5. To prepositions and conjunctions


379.Lexicology is closely connected with …

    1. Phonetics
    2. Stylistics
    3. History of the English language
    4. Grammar
    5. All answers correct


380.To employ

    1. Notional
    2. Functional
    3. Auxiliary
    4. Irregular
    5. All answers correct


381.         An infix is

    1. an affix placed wthin the word
    2. a derivational morpheme proceeding the root
    3. a derivational morpheme following the stem
    4. a common element of words within a word-family
    5. a combining form


382.          The word doc. is a cause of

    1. clipping
    2. blending
    3. back-formation
    4. sound-interchange
    5. onomatopoeia


383.           Grammatical meaning is

    1. the meaning proper to sets of word-forms common to all words of a certain class
    2. the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributions
    3. the component of the lexical meaning that makes communication possible
    4. the connotational meaning
    5. the denotational meaning


384.           An exaggerated statement not meant to be understood literally but expressing

                  an intensely emotional attitude of the speaker to what he is speaking about is


    1. hyperbole
    2. metonymy
    3. irony
    4. metaphor
    5. litotes


385.           Seal – to seal are

    1. lexical homonyms
    2. lexico-grammatical homonyms
    3. grammatical homonyms
    4. morphological homonyms
    5. phonetical homonyms


386.           The word unmistakable has constituents originated from

    1. 3 languages              
    2. 4 languages
    3. 2 languages
    4. 1 languages
    5. 5 languages


387.           Functional affixes

    1. convey grammatical meaning
    2. form different words
    3. provide the structural completeness of a word-group
    4. convey emotional components of meaning
    5. form blendings


388.           What is blending

    1. telescoping, reduplication
    2. sound and stress interchange
    3. back-formation
    4. sound imitation
    5. affixation


389.           The words lab and laboratory are different in

    1. structure
    2. stylistics
    3. meaning
    4. affixation
    5. derivation


390.              Adding derivational affixes to stem is called

    1. affixation
    2. acronym
    3. abbreviation
    4. reduplication
    5. sound interchange


391.            Dictionaries of American English are

    1. specialized dictionaries
    2. explanatory dictionaries
    3. etymological  dictionaries
    4. general dictionaries
    5. dictionaries of synonyms


392.           A metaphor is

  1. a transference  based on the association of similarity
  2. a transfer based upon the association of contiguity
  3. a shift of names between things that are known to be in some way or other  

connected to reality

  1. degradation of meaning
  2. amelioration of meaning


393.            Which of the following words is the cause of a metaphor

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