Тесты по "Лексикологии"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 16:07, тест

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Тесты по английскому языку.

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307. Omission of a word or words considered for grammatical completeness but not for the conveyance of the intended lexical meaning

    1. ellipsis
    2. blend
    3. portmanteau word
    4. shortening
    5. acronym


308. Words  to commence, to complete are

  1. learned words
  2. common colloquial words
  3. dialectical words
  4. jargonisms
  5. vulgarisms


309. Coarse words that are not generally used in public are

  1. vulgarisms
  2. slang
  3. common colloquial words
  4. dialectical words
  5. jargonisms


310. Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological collocation

    1. to bear malice
    2. to come into fashion
    3. to kick the bucket
    4. to show one’s teeth
    5. red tape


311. The toponyms Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Utah are

  1. Indian words (of Indian tribes )
  2. Spanish words
  3. German words
  4. French words
  5. Italian words


312.The word “urban” is borrowed from

    1. Latin
    2. Greek
    3. German
    4. French
    5. Spain


313.The synonym to the word “derivation” is

    1. Affixation
    2. Conversation
    3. Reversion
    4. Sound imitation
    5. Contraction


314.“Back formation” is

    1. Reversion
    2. Conversion
    3. Derivation
    4. Affixation
    5. Contraction


315.Onomatopeia is

    1. Sound imitation
    2. Reversion
    3. Conversion
    4. Derivation
    5. Contraction


316.Onomatopeia is echoing of ….. sounds

    1. Natural
    2. Artificial
    3. Man – made
    4. Loud
    5. Noisy


317.Compounding is

    1. Composition
    2. Derivation
    3. Affixation
    4. Contraction
    5. Conversion


318.Composing is

    1. Compounding
    2. Derivation
    3. Affixation
    4. Contraction
    5. Conversion


319.The basic unit of lexicology is …..

    1. A word
    2. An adverb
    3. An adjective
    4. Preposition
    5. Conjunction


    1. Define negative prefixes
    1. Il-, ir-, im-
    2. Dis-, aver-, mis
    3. Under-, ir-, im-
    4. Co-, ir-, im-
    5. Over-, dis-, im-


321. Define noun – forming suffixes

    1. –ness, -er, -th
    2. –full, -ous, -y
    3. –ly, -ward, -or
    4. –y, -ous, -ful
    5. –ness, -ent, -ly


322.Define adjective – forming suffixes

    1. –ous, -ful, -y
    2. –ness, -er, -th
    3. –ly, -ward, -or
    4. –y, -ness, -ful
    5. –ness, -ent, -ly


323.Define numeral – forming suffixes

    1. –th, -teen, -ty
    2. –th, -y, -ness
    3. –ly, -ward, -or
    4. –y, -ness, -ful
    5. –ness, -ent, -ly



    1. Hybrid
    2. Synonym,
    3. antonym
    4. euphemism
    5. morpheme


325. Affixless way of word – formation is

    1. Conversion
    2. Conversation
    3. Contraction
    4. Reversion
    5. Derivation


326.Affixless derivation is

    1. Conversion
    2. Conversation
    3. Contraction
    4. Reversion
    5. Derivation


327.VIP is

    1. Acronym
    2. Blending
    3. Clipping
    4. Synonym
    5. Phoneme


328.Smog is

    1. Blending
    2. Acronym
    3. Clipping
    4. Synonym
    5. Phoneme


329.Adj is

    1. Clipping
    2. Blending
    3. Acronym
    4. Synonym
    5. Phoneme


330.Deadline is …

    1. Neutral compounding
    2. Morphological compounding
    3. Syntactic compounding
    4. Lexicolized phrase
    5. Conversion


331.Morphological compounding is compounding with linking …

    1. Letter
    2. Preposition
    3. Conjunction
    4. Verb
    5. Adjective


332.How many functional affixes do you know

    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 8
    4. 10
    5. 2


333.–ize is

    1. Verb – forming suffixes
    2. Adjective – forming suffixes
    3. Adverb – forming suffixes
    4. Numeral – forming suffixes
    5. Noun – forming suffixes


334.–ful, -ous, -y are

    1. Adjective – forming suffixes
    2. Noun – forming suffixes
    3. Adverb – forming suffixes
    4. Numeral – forming suffixes
    5. Verb – forming suffixes


335.–ess, -ine are

    1. Feminine suffixes
    2. Musculine suffixes
    3. Diminutive suffixes
    4. Verb – forming suffixes
    5. Adjective – forming suffixes


336.–ie, -y, -let are

    1. Diminutive suffixes
    2. Feminine suffixes
    3. Musculine suffixes
    4. Verb – forming suffixes
    5. Adjective – forming suffixes


337.All terms are …

    1. Monosemantic
    2. Polysemantic
    3. Monosyllabic
    4. Polysyllabic
    5. Native


338.Define monosemantic word

    1. Oxygen
    2. Beautiful
    3. Harmful
    4. Smart
    5. Nice


339.Define semantically motivated compound

    1. Deadline
    2. Boyfriend
    3. Girlfriend
    4. Bookcase
    5. Eyeglasses


340.Define phonetically motivated word

    1. Splash
    2. Rethink
    3. Book
    4. Note
    5. Smile


341.Define morphologically motivated word

    1. Rebuild
    2. Hiss
    3. Splash
    4. Mouth
    5. Foot


342.Define the word with feminine suffix

    1. Heroin
    2. Noiseless
    3. Leaflet
    4. Wonderful
    5. Business


343.Define the word with diminutive suffix

    1. Leaflet
    2. Heroin
    3. Waitress
    4. Business
    5. noiseless


344.Define the word with noun – forming suffix

    1. Refugee
    2. Identify
    3. Beautiful
    4. Noiseless
    5. Characterize


345.Marine is a ….. word

    1. Latin
    2. Greek
    3. French
    4. German
    5. English


346.Pejoration is …

    1. Worsening
    2. Improvement
    3. Colouring
    4. Warming
    5. Loosing


347.Foot of the mountain

    1. Metaphor
    2. Metonymy
    3. Irony
    4. Rhyme
    5. Rhythm


348.I have eaten two plates of soup

    1. Metonymy
    2. Metaphor
    3. Irony
    4. Rhyme
    5. Rhythm


349.You are like a rose

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