Тест по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Октября 2013 в 14:41, тест

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Английский т.docx

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* Kazakh

* English

* German

*+ Russian

* Turkey

! What is the  language  of  business ,communication and  integration

into global economics in RK?

* Russian

* German

* Kazakh

*+ English

* Chinese

! What bodies provide necessary conditions for development  of state and other languages

in RK?

* Parliament


* Ministry of education and science

* Ministry of Public health

*+ All state organs

! What does the State program  on developing  languages provide?

* state language priority,  phased transfer of office work into Russian

*+ state language priority, phased  transfer of office work into Kazakh

* state language priority, phased  transfer of office work into German

* state language priority, phased  transfer of office work into Turkey

* state language priority, phased  transfer of office work into Chinese

! What does the RK  law  on  languages consist of ?

*+present law, other normative legal acts

* present law, other state programs

* present law, other  regulations

* present law, other international programs

* present law, other regional programs

! Whom is application of RK law on languages  extended  for ?

*citizens of Kazakhstan

* citizens of Kazakhstan ,foreigners

* citizens of Kazakhstan ,persons without citizenship

*+ citizens of Kazakhstan, foreigners, persons without citizenship

* persons without citizenship

! What languages are necessary to develop due  to “Triunity of  languages” project?

*+ Kazakh ,Russian, English

* Kazakh ,English, German

* Kazakh, ,English, Turkey

*Kazakh, Russian ,German,

*Kazakh ,Russian, Chinese

! What  does the  introduction of “Trilingual   teaching  in KazNMU” program  suppose?

* stage by stage development of teaching  1 language

* stage by stage development of teaching  2 languages  

*+ stage by stage development of teaching  3 languages 

* stage by stage development of teaching  4 languages

* stage by stage development of teaching  5 languages

! What is the subject  of “RK Law on languages ” regulation?

*+ social  relations

*national relations

*ethnic relations

*international relations

*family relations


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