Тест по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Октября 2013 в 14:41, тест

Описание работы

Cross out the extra word:
* dining room
* kitchen
* bedroom
* living room

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Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языку

для студентов 1 курса  фармацевтического факультета

Тесты I уровня


!  Cross out the extra word:

*   dining room

*   kitchen

*   bedroom

*   living room



! Compile the proverb:

Every country has its … .

*   flower

* +customs

*  queen

*   king

*   keys


!  The synonym of the word “slight” is:

*   brave

*   dark

*   strong

* +weak

*   heavy


! Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “possible”:

*   repossible

* + impossible

*   ilpossible

*   inpossible

*   unpossible


! Find the proper word:

    We keep our clothes in the ….

*   sofa

*    cupboard

* +wardrobe

*   TV-set

*   refrigerator


!  Indicate the antonym to “seldom”:

*   usually

*  sometimes

*  never

* +frequently

*   often


! Indicate the antonym to “ever”:

*    always

*   usually

*  +never

*    often

*   sometimes


! Choose the right verb:

Jane …. swimming.

*   goes

*   looks

*   gets

* +likes

*  gives


! Choose the correctly written word:

Alice is fond of  … .

* + ballet

*   bollet

*   ballete

*    balett

*    balet


! Indicate the antonym to “rare”:

*  never

*   seldom

*   sometimes

*   usually



! Choose the right definition:

A theatre is a place where ….

*  we dance

* +we go to see a play

*  we study mathematics

*  we cook meals

*  we have breakfast


! Choose the right definition.

The room where we sleep is ….

*  a living room

*   a kitchen

*   a bathroom

* +a bedroom

*   a study



!  The antonym to the word “high” is:

*   little

*   strong

* +low

*   wide

*   long


!  Choose the uncountable noun:

*   bottle

*  pencil

*  book

* +sugar

*  pen


!  Cross out the extra word:

*   coat

* +uncle

*    hat

*   shoes

*   dress


! Compile the proverb:

East or … home is best.

*  South

*  North

* +West

*   North West

*   South East


!  Find the numeral:

* + twenty

*   always

*   heavy

*   to agree

*    tradition


! Choose the proper preposition:

I am interested … English.

*  at

*+ in

*  with

*  for

*  on


!  The antonym to the word “hot” is:

*    heavy

*   warm

* + cold

*   little

*   mild


! Indicate the antonym to “never”:

*  seldom

*   usually

* +ever

*  often

*   sometimes


! Choose proper preposition:

Kate is fond … sport.

*  in

*  on

* +of

*   at

*   to


! Choose the proper preposition:

Thanks … coming.

* +for

*   in

*   to

*   at

*   over


! Give the proper definition:

The place where we buy drugs is … .

*   a shop

*   a café

* +a chemist’s

*  a university

*  a school


! Give the proper definition:

The place where we eat is … .

* +a café

*  a library

*  a shop

*  a theatre

*  a cinema


! Indicate the antonym to “always”:

*  often

*  usually

* +never

*  seldom

*  sometimes


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +happier

*  hapier

*  hapyier

*  happyer

*  happyier


!  Indicate the antonym to “rich”:

*  comfortable

*  polite

* +poor

*  weak

*  cosy


! Give the synonym to “a flat”:

*  a garage

*  a saloon

*  an office

* +an apartment

*  a shop


!  Give the synonym to “famous”:

*  common

* +well-known

*  special

*  weak

*  unknown


! Indicate the antonym to the preposition “In”:

*  off

* +out

*  under

*   among

*  between


! Choose the uncountable word:

*  word

* +milk

*  road

*  minute

*  vegetable


! Choose the word in singular:

* +foot

*  women

*  children

*  feet

*  tables


! Find the missed letter in the word “scholchildren”

*   l

* +o

*   k

*  u

*   c


! Give the antonym to “old”:

*   different

*  strong

*  quick

*  easy

* +young


! Choose the common word for this group:

a. a mother

b. the grandparents

c. a father

d. a children

e. +the Stogovs


!  Choose the correctly written word:

*  breikfast

*  breokfast

*  braekfast

*  briekvast



! Give the superlative degree of the adjective “hot”:

*  hotest

* +hottest

*  hootest

*  hotiest

*  hottiest


! Give the synonym to “to start”:

*  to play

* +to begin

*  to bring

*  to finish

*  to give


! Cross out the extra word:

* +kind

*  small

*  large

*  big

*  little


! Choose the word of the theme “Shopping”:

* +price

*  disease

*  hospital

*  nurse

*  school


!  Choose the correctly written word:

*  dresss

*  dressys

* +dresses

*  dressis

*  dreses


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  chidhod

* +childhood

*  childhoad

*  childhord

*  chaildhuod


! Letter «е» is missed in the word … :

* +to forg…t

*  to bre…k

*  to st…nd

*  to m…ke

*  to j…mp


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  conctitution

*  consitucion

*  constitusion

* +constitution

*  constitation


! Give the antonym to “tall”:

* +short

*  large

*  huge

*  strong

*  high


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  inffuence

*  enfluence

*  inffluence

*  influnce

* +influence


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +heavier

*  heavieer

*   heavyier

*  haevier

*  havier


! Letter «c» is missed in the word …:

*  …ind

*  …now

*   …night

* +…anal

*  …not


! Find the common word for this group:

*  a father

*  a mother

*  a sister

*  a brother

* +a family


! Find the common word for this group:

*   Balkhash

*   Ala-Kol

*   Tengis

*   Zaisan

*+ lakes


! Find the common word for this group:

*   October

*   November

*   December

*   April

*+ Months


! Find the common word for this group:

*   Ural

*   Ertis

*   Syr-Darya

*   Ishim

* +rivers


! Find the common word for this group:

*    east

*  +parts

*    west

*    south

*    north


! Find the common word for this group:

*   wheat

*   corn

* +food

*   rice

*   millet


! Find the common word for this group:

*   Almaty

* +cities

*   Astana

*   Karaganda

*   Pavlodar


! Find the common word for this group:

*   Russian

*   Uighur

*   Kazakh

* +languages

*   Korean


! Find the common word for this group:

*   apple

*   lemon

*   orange

* +fruits

*   banana


! Find the common word for this group:

*   Medeo

*   Chimbulak

* +sightseeings

*   Kok-tobe

*   Alma-arasan


! Find the common word for this group:

* + educational institutions

*    academy

*    university

*    institute

*   colleges


! Find the common word for this group:

*   England

*   Wales

* +United Kingdom

*   Scotland

*   Northern Ireland


! Find the common word for this group:

*    shipbuilding

*  +industry

*    textile

*   electronics

*   machinery


! Find the common word for this group:

*    conservative

*    liberal

* + parties

*    labour

*   democratic


! Find the common word for this group:

* +climate

*   mild

*   continental

*   moderate

*   strong 


! Find the common word for this group:

*    House of Lords

*  +Parliament

*    House of commons

*    Senate

*    Mazhilis


!  Find the common word for this group:

*    highlands

*    lowlands

*    plains

*  +surface

*    valley


! Find the common word for this group:

* +Parts of London

*   West End

*   Westminster

*   East End

*   City


! Find the common word for this group:

*  +centers

*    political

*    educational

*    commercial

*    economic


! Find the common word for this group:

*    St. Paul’s Cathedral

*  +sightseeings

*    Tower of London

*    Buckingham Palace

*    Westminster




!  Find the common word for this group:

*    infant

*    junior

*    nursery

*    state

*+ schools


! Find the common word for this group:

*    English

*    Mathematics

*    History

* +subjects

*    Geography


! Find the common word for this group:

*    Grammar

*  +schools

*    Modern

*    Comprehensive

*    Public


! Find the common word for this group:

*    pre-school

*    primary

*    higher

* +education

*   secondary


! Find the common word for this group:

*    Physics

*    Chemistry

*    Biology

*  +sciences

*    Economics


! Find the common word for this group:

*    Eton

*    Harrow

*  +famous public schools

*    Rugby

*    Winchester


! Find the common word for this group:

*    Bachelor’s

*  +degree

*    Master’s

*    Doctor’s

*    Candidate



! Find the common word for this group:

*    gifted

*    handicapped

*    weak

* +children

*   advanced


! Find the common word for this group:

*    Turk

*    Uigur

*    Kazakh

*  +languages

*    Russian


! Find the common word for this group:

*    professor

*    academician

*    assistant professor

* + academic degree

*    candidate   


! Find the common word for this group:

*    smallpox

*  +disease

*    grippe

*    cowpox

*    pneumonia


! Find the common word for this group:

*    effective

*    ineffective

*  +vaccination

*    useful

*    available


! Cross out the extra word:

*    a nephew

*    an aunt

*    an uncle

*  +a teacher

*    a niece


! Cross out the extra word:

*    winter

*    summer

*    autumn

* + season

*    spring



 ! Cross out the extra word:

*    September

*    October

*    November

*  +Alatau

*    May


! Cross out the extra word:

*    Amu-Darya

*    Ishim

*    Ural;

*    Tobol

*  +Balkhash


! Cross out the extra word:

*    west

*    east

* + country

*    north

*    south


! Cross out the extra word:

*    corn

*    rice

*    millet

* +meat

*    5 wheat


! Cross out the extra word:

*    summer

*  +year

*    autumn

*    spring

*    winter


! Cross out the extra word:

*    flowers

*    grasses

*    plants

*    trees

*  +animals


! Cross out the extra word:

*    white

*    blue

*    green

*  +room

*    black


! Cross out the extra word:

*    Aktobe

*  +part

*    Uralsk

*    Atyrau

*    Aktau


! Cross out the extra word:

*    theatre

*    cinema

*    club

*    gallery

* + market


! Cross out the extra word:

*    orange

*    grapefruit

*    lemon

*    banana

* + potatoes


!  Cross out the extra word:

*    agriculture

*    shipbuilding

*    textile

*  +fruits

*    electronic


!  Cross out the extra word:

*    institute

*    academy

*    school

*    college

*  +hospital


! Cross out the extra word:

*    flag

*    authem

*    emblem

*    ornamentations

*  +autumn


! Cross out the extra word:

*    cold

*    hot

*    mild

*    moderate

*  +river


! Cross out the extra word:

*    plain

*    deserts

*    mountains

* + climate

*    valley


!  Cross out the extra word:

*    England

*  +America

*    Wales

*    Scotland

*    Northern Ireland


! Cross out the extra word:

*    City

*  +government

*    West End

*    Westminster

*    East End


! Cross out the extra word:

*    London

*    Washington

*    Moscow

*    Astana

*  +Taldy-Korgan


! Cross out the extra word:

*    London

*  +New-York

*    Cardiff

*    Edinburgh

*    Belfast


! Cross out the extra word:

*    St. Paul’s Cathedral

*  +Statue of Liberty

*    Tower of London

*   Westminster

*   Buckingham Palace


! Cross out the extra word:

*    Technical Drawing

*    Physical training

*    Natural sciences

*  +territory

*    Physics


! Cross out the extra word:

*    Bachelor

*    Master

*    Doctor

*    Candidate

*  +examination


! Cross out the extra word:

*    talented children

*    handicapped children

*    weak children

*  +parents

*    advanced children


! Cross out the extra word:

*    primary schools

*    secondary schools

*    infant schools

*  +science

*    technical schools


! Cross out the extra word:

*    famous

*    outstanding

*    prominent

* +commissar

*   well-known


! Cross out the extra word:

*    scientist

*    teacher

*    doctor

*    pharmacist

*  +health


!  Cross out the extra word:

*    pharmacist

*    chemist

*    technologist

*    botanist

*  +institute


! Cross out the extra word:

*    physician

*    doctor

*    pharmacist

*  +learner

*    manager


! Cross out the extra word:

*    funnels

*    beaker

*    burners

*    bottles

* + odour


! Cross out the extra word:

*    burners

*  +vase

*    crucibles

*    scales

*    testube stands


! Cross out the extra word:

*    room

*    laboratory

*    house

*    cabinet

*  +lecture


! Choose the correctly written word:

* + lecture

*    lection

*    lectire

*    lectare

*    lectior


! Choose the correctly written word:

!  +professor

*   praffessor

*   proffessor

*   profesor

*   proffesor


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +chemical

*    chimecal

*    kemical

*    chemecal

*    khemical


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +experiments

*    eksperiments

*    ixperiments

*    iksperiments

*    expirements


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    sciince

*  +science

*    sience

*    siense

*    sciens


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    chemestry 

*    khemestry

*    kemestry

* +chemistry

*    chimestry


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +hydrogen

*    hidrogen

*    hidrogene 

*    hydrogene

*    hidrodgene


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +liquids

*    licvids

*    liqids

*    liquds

*    licvides


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    compaunds

*  +compounds

*    kompounds

*    campounds

*    compineds


! Choose the correctly written word:

* + substance

*    supstance

*    substanse

*    substantia

*    sabstanse


! Choose the correctly written word:

*   properti

*   propirty 

* +property

*   proparty

*   proporty


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    academitian

*    acodemitian

*    academisian

* + academician  

*    academican


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    lobaratory

* + laboratory

*    labaratory 

*    laboratori

*    laborotory  


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +periodic table

*    table periodic

*    piriodic tables

*    tables periodic

*    periodik table


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    asistant

*    asistent     

*  +assistant 

*    assisttant

*    assistont


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    universiti 

*    uneverity

*  +university

*    univercity

*    unevercity


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    vacination 

*    vactionation

*  +vaccination

*    vaccanation  

*    vaccinacion


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +smallpox

*    smalpox

*    smalpoks

*    smallpocs

*    smalposx


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    investigacion

*  +investigation

*    invistigation

*    envestigation

*    envestigacion


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    disiese  

*  +disease

*    dicease

*    disese

*    desiese


! Choose the correctly written word:

*   diskoveri

* +discovery

*   dyscovery  

*   dyscoveri

*   disoveracion


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    secondari

*    sekondary

*  +secondary

*    secondarly

*    cecondary


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    tradicion

*    trodicion

*    trodician

*  +tradition

*    tradician


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    educacion

*    educacian

* + education

*    iducation

*    edukation


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +health

*    healtgh  

*    hialth

*    healgh

*    healthe 


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    castums

* + customs

*    kustoms 

*    castems

*    castomes


! Choose the correctly written word:

*  +industrial

*    endustrial 

*    endastrial

*    indastrial

*    industriel


! Choose the correctly written word:

*    mashinery

*  +machinery

*    machineri

*    mashineri 

*    mochinery


! Choose the correctly written word:

* +Cambridge

*   Cambrige

Информация о работе Тест по "Английскому языку"