Өнеркәсіп кәсіпорындарындағы өндіріс тиімділігін арттыруды экономикалық ынталандыру

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2013 в 18:05, автореферат

Описание работы

Өндіріс тиімділігін арттырудың объективтік қажеттілігі кеңейтілген ұдайы өндіріс процесінің экономикалық мүддемен тікелей байланыстылығында. Дамудың қозғаушы басым күштерінің бірінен саналатын экономикалық мүдделер, өндіріс тиімділігінің артуына ынталандырудың ғылыми негізделген жүйесін ұтымды қолдану арқылы әсер етеді. Сонымен қатар, экономикалық мүдделер, ынталандыруды қоғамның заңдылықтарымен байланыстырып тұратын орталық буын болып табылады.

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Өнеркәсіп кәсіпорындарындағы өндіріс тиімділігін арттыруды экономикалық ынталандыру реферат .doc

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However the concrete definition of such conditions of economic development causes discussions. We support opinion of those scientists and experts which allocate as key factors maintenance of the accelerated economic growth motivation to high-efficiency work and strengthening of economic incentives system of labour activity. The modern postindustrial society for a long time has realized necessity of maintenance of work estimation concerning high in relation to the capital.

All manufacture factors were liberalized as a result of reforms in Kazakhstan. However motivational stimulus reforming to efficiency increase is not so active. Today economic incentives provision practically does not depend on qualification, work quality, manufacture productivity and dynamics of macroeconomic parameters. It is not stimulus to scientific and technical progress and does not promote production quality improvement, resources economy, the maximal realization of potential physical and mental abilities of the worker, does not awake labour collectives’ interest in use of internal manufacture reserves. The specified negative phenomena strengthen social contradictions between a society and authority.

In our opinion essential obstacle for becoming of effective system of production efficiency stimulation was tearing away the person from economic transformations. Market transformations did not promote work transformation into the determining development factor of Kazakhstan economy due to alienation of work from the property and divergence of personal and collective interests. That is why the tasks solution connected with increase human factor role and formation of effective motives and stimulus system with this purpose inducing workers to high-efficiency work and should be recognized by one of the major economic and social tasks of the state.

Necessity of effective system creation of motives and stimulus of production efficiency increase is caused by really existing contradiction: on the one hand, high requirements to qualification, professionalism, the attitude to the duties which are demanded to the worker by postindustrial society, and with another – decrease of social value of work and depreciation of the concept "work" in conditions of Kazakhstan reality.

These problems demand deep theoretical understanding and carrying out of researches of stimulation influence on production efficiency, on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of work, an estimation of a role in macroeconomic reproduction process of social and labor sphere condition and global characteristics of national economy.

The purpose of dissertational research is development of theoretical approaches and practical recommendations on effective system formation of economic incentives as key factor of production efficiency increase in postindustrial economy.

Research task:

- to open the content of stimulation concept of  production efficiency increase  from positions of  modern economic science;

- to show interrelation of economic stimulus with economic interests,  material interest and labour activity motivation;

- to show a role and a place of economic incentives in a control system of production efficiency increase;

- to determine the basic methodical construction principles of effective system of economic incentives adequate to a postindustrial society;

- to analyse a system effectiveness of economic incentives on macro -, meso -, and microlevels;

- to determine perspective stimulus of production efficiency increase at transition to a postindustrial society;

- to develop offers on transformation of social and labor sphere corresponding to requirements of postindustrial economy.

Scientific novelty of dissertational research consists in the statement of economic incentives problem as key factor of production efficiency increase at transition to a postindustrial society that expands theoretical conceptions about preconditions and factors of economic growth in conditions of developing postindustrial scientific paradigm and enables to investigate stimulus influence on character and economic development rates. The next elements of the scientific newness were received during the process of the research:

- in a new fashion from a integrative approach position the contents of economic stimulus is opened as driving factor of reproduction process in qualitatively becoming complicated conditions;

- classification of economic stimulus to work is specified from the point of view of their conformity to requirements of a developing postindustrial paradigm in which alongside with earlier known kinds of stimulus are included administrative and liberal stimulation;

- basic methodical formation principles of economic incentives effective system are formulated in view of tendencies and laws of a postindustrial society;

- basic mechanisms of achievement of organic interrelation between growth of labour productivity and its payment are certain and it makes active labour activity and provides economic growth;

- stimulation mechanism  of economic growth is offered; 

- the complex of the measures directed on achievement of effective interaction of work and the capital by means of development of such perspective form of economic stimulus to work, as «national economy» motivations is offered and proved.

 Substantive provisions submitting to defensing:

1) economic incentives research should be based on integrative approach focused on logically harmonious statement of various theoretical and methodological principles reflecting essence of economic reality and realizing an opportunity of their fruitful synthesis;

2) system engineering of economic incentives by a principle of joint active development of material stimulus to work and their non-material kinds (participation in operation of business, work humanization, an opportunity of self-realization of the worker, change of workers status at the enterprise, etc.);

3) strengthening of work stimulus system in a context of transition to qualitative economic growth in modern Kazakhstan demands the complex approach assuming: activation of a labour remuneration role in labour activity increase; development of "national economy" motivations as perspective stimulus; qualitative transformations of the work sphere;

4) a mechanism basis of production efficiency stimulation at a macro level should become a stimulation variant of new quality of the economic growth assuming prevalence in factors structure of scientific growth and technical progress, investments into the human capital, information and high technologies.

Substantive results of research are introduced in an industrial and economic practice in mine “Zhomart” of the manufacturing firm “Zhezkazgantsvetmet” “Kazahmys” Ltd.

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