
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Июня 2013 в 10:45, курсовая работа

Описание работы

In the conditions of economy reforming of Republic Kazakhstan, radical reorganization of its credit-bank system and monetary and credit policy perfection the requirement for consideration of various questions devoted to a money turnover and money circulation in Republic Kazakhstan is felt. The special importance of such problematic and an urgency of the chosen theme is caused by increase of a role of Banks in Republics Kazakhstan in realization of monetary and credit regulation of economy, occurrence and development of new credit system links - commercial banks and not bank financial institutions. In the countries of the Western Europe and the USA this process already has wide development for a long time, non-cash money circulation prevails there.

Содержание работы

1. The economic maintenance of a cash-monetary turnover and its organization
1.1 Concept and structure of a money turnover
1.2 Organization of a cash-monetary turnover
1.3 Foreign experience
2. The analysis of a current state of the money turnover organization and money circulation in Republic Kazakhstan
2.1 Cash circulation and non-cash circulation
2.2 Electronic instruments of payment
2.3 Normative-legal maintenance



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1. The economic maintenance of a cash-monetary turnover and its organization 

1.1 Concept and structure of a money turnover

1.2 Organization of a cash-monetary turnover

1.3 Foreign experience 


2. The analysis of a current state of the money turnover organization and money circulation in Republic Kazakhstan    

2.1 Cash circulation and non-cash circulation

2.2 Electronic instruments of payment

2.3 Normative-legal maintenance



































In the conditions of economy reforming of Republic Kazakhstan, radical reorganization of its credit-bank system and monetary and credit policy perfection the requirement for consideration of various questions devoted to a money turnover and money circulation in Republic Kazakhstan is felt. The special importance of such problematic and an urgency of the chosen theme is caused by increase of a role of Banks in Republics Kazakhstan in realization of monetary and credit regulation of economy, occurrence and development of new credit system links - commercial banks and not bank financial institutions.

In the countries of the Western Europe and the USA this process already has wide development for a long time, non-cash money circulation prevails there. So, in the USA only 25-27 % of all payments of the population are carried out by cash, other payments - by means of checks, credit cards, etc.

The life prompts that it is impossible to separate money circulation with a money turnover. Rigid differentiation of a money turnover on cash and non-cash scientists name insolvent idea.

In the present term paper the basic categories of a money turnover and money circulation are analyzed. Work consists of three sections, the conclusion, and the list of the literature of Republic Kazakhstan including standard legal certificates.

The purpose: to describe, consider a money turnover and money circulation in Republic Kazakhstan, problems and ways of their decision

Work problems are:

• to consider concept and structure of a money turnover and money circulation;

• to study the organization of a cash-monetary turnover

• to analyze a current state of the organization of a money turnover and money references in Republic Kazakhstan.




















2.1 Concept and structure of a money turnover.

Before perestroyka times there was an accurate differentiation of concepts “a money turnover” and “money circulation”. Money circulation was understood only as movement of cash. The money turnover as reflected more capacious concept both cash and non-cash turns. Thus the sphere of movement of cash reflects distribution of money incomes of the population, and non-cash - distribution of means of production.

Currency note had different maintenance. The cash ruble was provided with set of consumer goods and services, non-cash – set of the means of production intended for distribution.

Such system could exist only in the conditions of the according to plan-centralized economy where it is in advance known, how many will be money at the enterprise and the population, how many the goods and under what prices them will sell. With disintegration of the USSR, holiday of the prices, privatization etc. it practically becomes impossible. Sides between money circulation and a money turnover were in essence erased. Movement of cash in the course of the reference of the goods, rendering of services and at realization of payments, and also at moving of money resources between the enterprises and financially-credit institutions is called as money circulation.

Objective basis of money circulation is commodity manufacture and the reference of the goods. Change of forms of cost, i.e. transformation of the goods into money, and the further use of money for acquisition of the new goods create possibility of their constant movement, i.e. the reference.

However money circulation is not simple repetition of the commodity reference. These two processes proceed a little separately. So, the goods after their realization, as a rule, leave sphere of the reference and are consumed. Money, опосредствующее the common of goods, does not leave sphere of the reference and again enters it.

Being in circulation, money alternately carries out that currency function, instruments of payment. So, money from goods sale can be used for debt repayment. In turn the money which has arrived on account of a debt can be used for acquisition of the goods.

The volume of a cumulative money turnover always considerably exceeds the sum of the prices of the goods. This results from the fact that functioning of money is not limited only to frameworks of purchase and sale of the goods. Money is used for salary payment, pensions, grants, realization of payments in the budget, reception and repayment of bank loans etc.

The important element of the regulation of money circulation is narrowing of the sphere of cash application.

Restrictions of use of cash in payments between legal bodies four thousand multiple in the size of the minimum settlement indicator, introduction of the payment cards used for payments in retail trade.

They are so interconnected, bound that differentiation becomes absolutely unnecessary. Money in the reference constantly passes from cash in non-cash and on the contrary. The gain of the enterprise of the retail trade, handed over in bank, turns to non-cash money resources on its settlement account from which it can list the sums to the suppliers. Suppliers can use the non-cash money which has arrived on the settlement account for salary payment to the workers etc.

Transition of cash in the non-cash means, that the population or uses the money incomes on purchase of the goods, fee, or conducts savings of money.

Cash begins the movement from cash desks of banks by salary payment, pensions, grants etc. and comes back in banks in the form of a gain from the trading, transport, entertainment enterprises, population contributions etc.

Thus, all money turnover shares on cash and non-cash, and also on:

• the monetary turn reflecting process of manufacture and realization of production, i.e. connected with payments of commodity character;

• the money turnover connected with payments of not commodity character (the salary, insurance payments, taxes etc.).

• Historically money circulation has passed some stages and

It was made by means of metal, paper and credit money.

Money circulation is a movement of money in internal economic turn of the country, in system of foreign economic relations, in the cash and non-cash form serving realization of the goods and services, and also not commodity payments in an economy. An objective basis of money circulation is commodity manufacture where the commodity world is divided into two kinds of the goods: actually the goods and goods-money. By means of money in cash and non-cash forms process of the reference of the goods, and also movement of loan and fictitious capitals is carried out.

From money circulation process exarticulation of concept of a money turnover, thus, is possible.

The money turnover is display of essence of money in their movement. The money turnover covers distribution and exchange processes. Its volume and structure is influenced by manufacture and consumption stages. The long production demanding the raised volume of industrial stocks increases the money turnover connected with their acquisition. Release of labor-consuming products the sizes of a money turnover on payment the heap and accordingly the money incomes of the population directed on consumption rather increases.

Component of a money turnover is the payment turn in which money functions as an instrument of payment and are used for repayment of obligations. The payment turn is carried out both in non-cash, and in cash forms.

Thus, replacing the cost form, debts also are in constant movement between three basic subjects: physical persons, legal bodies and state structures. And movement of money at performance of the functions by all of them in cash and non-cash forms also represents money circulation.

Money circulation is difficult enough design uniting both the basic intrinsic characteristics of money, and mechanisms, ways of use of money for assistance to economic and social development of the country.

The role of money circulation and its correct organization are shown in following moments:

• debugment economic circulation and payment and account system;

• ability to provide equation of a supply and demand on the commodity market not to suppose deficiency of the goods;

• character and degree of influence of money weight on a rise in prices and inflation;

• a chronic lack of money resources at subjects of the market for timely payment of wages and financing of circulating assets.

Money circulation is subdivided on two spheres: cash and non-cash. Cash-monetary circulation is a movement of cash in reference sphere. It is served by banknotes, a change and paper money (treasury notes).

Commodity-money references demand certain quantity of money necessary for performance of currency function by them. The quantity of money depends on following factors:

• quantity sold on a commodity market;

• level of the commodity prices;

• credit presence, balanced out and non-cash payments;

• speed of the reference of money.

On the basis of laws of the commodity reference K. Marx had been formulated the money circulation law:


where, M - quantity of the money necessary for the reference;

PQ - the sum of the prices of the realized goods and services;

K - the sum of the prices of the goods sold account

a - the come payments;

b - balanced out obligations;

V - speed of a turn of the money unit with the same name.

Thus, the quantity of money necessary for the reference, changes in direct ratio to the sum of the prices of the realized goods sold account, and also the size of the come payments, without including balanced out obligation, and in inverse proportion to speed of the reference of money.

The deviation from the general law of money circulation is caused by functioning not high-grade money, and cost signs. As a result the release of paper money exceeding limits of requirements, defined by the money circulation law, inevitably involves increase of the general level of the commodity prices.

It is necessary to note, what not the prices of the goods are defined by quantity of an active money, and on the contrary the quantity of an active money depends on the prices of the goods. The prices of the goods, being term of money of commodity costs, develop to the reference, in the reference the quantity of money necessary for realization of the given sum of the commodity prices arrives. The prices of the goods are on the average defined by cost of the goods and cost of money. From this it follows that the quantity of active money is in inverse relationship from cost of money.

The considered law of money circulation concerns any kind of money. At the same time there are special laws of the reference of metal, paper and credit money.

Feature of the metal reference consists that the quantity of an active money is always supported at necessary level, that is in references cannot be neither surplus, nor a lack of money. In the conditions of the fiduciary reference, as a rule, is issued money more than it is required gold for the reference. Superfluous release of paper money involves their depreciation.


2.2 Organization of a cash-monetary turnover.

The cash-monetary turnover representing set of payments for the certain period of time reflects movement of cash, both as a currency, and as an instrument of payment.

The sphere of use of cash basically is connected with incomes and population expenses:

• Payments of the population with the enterprises of retail trade and public catering;

• The payment the enterprises and the organizations, payment of other money incomes;

• Entering of money by the population into contributions and reception under contributions;

• Payment of pensions, grants and grants, insurance compensations on to insurance contracts;

• Delivery by the credit organizations of the consumer credit;

• Payment of securities and payment on them of incomes;

• Payments of the population for housing and utilities, at subscription to periodicals;

• Payment by the population of taxes in the budget, etc.

The cash-monetary turnover between the enterprises is insignificant, as the basic part of payments is made by a non-cash way.

The various procedures of payments with participation of citizens depending on communication of these payments by enterprise activity is established. With the citizens who are not engaged in enterprise activity, payments it is authorized, to carry out as cash to money in without restriction of the sums, and in the non-cash form. However payments with the citizens connected with enterprise activity, should be made, as a rule, in a non-cash order.

Now legal bodies have the right to pay off among themselves cash if the sums on one payment do not exceed 5 652 000 tenge. Payments between legal bodies over the specified sum should be carried out in a non-cash order.

The important role money circulation stabilization in our country were played, confirmed by National Bank of Republic Kazakhstan by an order of the organization of cash money circulation which is obligatory for performance by territorial establishments of National Bank of Republic Kazakhstan, banks of the second level (further - banks), the credit organizations and their branches, and also the organizations, the enterprises and establishments in Republic Kazakhstan territory.

According to these rules of the organization, the enterprise, establishment irrespective of the organizational-legal form (further the enterprises) store free money resources in banks on corresponding accounts, on contractual conditions. The cash money resources arriving in cash desks of the enterprises are subject to delivery in establishments of banks for the subsequent transfer into accounts of these enterprises. The monetary cash surrenders them directly in cash desks of banks. Cash can surrender the enterprises on contractual conditions through collector services of establishments in banks or the specialized collector services having on realization of corresponding operations on collection of money resources and other values.

Order in terms of delivery of cash are established by serving banks to each enterprise for the preliminary coordination with it proceeding from necessity of acceleration of money reuse and their timely receipt in banks. The cash accepted from physical persons on account of taxes, insurance in other gathering, surrenders administrations and collectors of these payments by transfer final to beneficiary.

The enterprises can have in the cash desks cash in established limits.

In the presence of several accounts in various establishments of banks the enterprise at own discretion addresses in one of them counting upon an establishment of a limit of the rests of cash in cash desk. After an establishment of a limit of cash balance in one of establishments of bank the enterprise directs notices on it to other establishments of banks in which at it corresponding accounts are opened. At check of the given enterprise of establishment of banks are guided by this limit of the rest of cash in cash desk.

On the enterprise which has not presented payment on an establishment of a limit of the rest of cash in cash desk in one of serving Establishments of banks, not handed over monetary cash - super limit is considered a cash balance limit zero, and.

The cash balance limit is established proceeding from volumes of a cash-monetary turnover of the enterprise taking into account features of a mode of its activity, an order and terms of delivery of cash money resources in establishments of banks, maintenance of safety and reduction of counter transportations of values. This limit can be reconsidered within a year in established order under the well-founded request of the enterprise (in case of change of volumes of cash turns, conditions of delivery of a gain etc.), and also according to the contract concluded with establishments of banks.

The enterprises should hand over in bank all monetary cash over the established limits of the rest of cash in cash desk. They can store in cash desk cash over the established limits only for salary payment, payments of social character and the grant no more than three working days. The enterprises can spend a monetary gain arriving in cash desk for the purposes provided by federal laws and other legal certificates, operating on territory of Kazakhstan and the statutory acts of Bank of Kazakhstan accepted in their execution.

The great value has the coordination with the enterprises of terms of delivery from cash desk of bank of money resources on wages, payment of social character н grants. For uniform use of cash resources and streamlining of deliveries of cash money resources in bank establishments annually (on the basis of data of the enterprises on the sizes and terms of forthcoming payments) the calendar of deliveries of cash for wages, payments of social character and the grant (on days) is made.

Territorial establishments of Bank of Kazakhstan on the basis of banks of materials received from establishments annually make the same calendar of deliveries of cash, but already in republic, to edge, areas (on months) and in time send it in Bank of Kazakhstan for the arch as a whole on Republic Kazakhstan.

The supplied information is used also at forecasting of prescheduled payments on wages and at an estimation of cash turns on arrival, the expense, emotional to result for a month as a whole on territorial establishment of Kazakhstan.

Deliveries of cash to the enterprises are made, as a rule, at the expense of current receipts of monetary cash in cash desks of the credit organizations. For maintenance of timely delivery with the credit organizations of cash from accounts of the enterprises, and also from accounts to contributions of citizens territorial establishments of Bank of Kazakhstan or under their commission the settlement-cash centers establish for each credit organization, and its branches the sum of is minimum admissible rest of cash of operational cash desk on the end of day. With a view of the maximum attraction of cash in the cash desks at the expense of timely and full gathering of a monetary gain from the enterprises of establishment of banks is not more rare than an once in two years check observance of Kazakhstan of an order of conducting cash operations defined by Bank and works with a cash assets.

Territorial establishments of bank of Kazakhstan supervise work of establishments and banks on the organization of a cash-monetary turnover, with observance by the enterprises of an order of conducting cash operations and works with monetary cash according to the position specified above.

Since 2001 in our country transition is carried out from credit cash planning of money circulation to drawing up of forecasts cash turns. Their basic purpose are definition of requirements for cash as a whole on Republic Kazakhstan, on regions and establishments of banks and according to it working out of actions for money circulation stabilization. Forecasts of cash turns reflect volume and sources of receipts of all cash in cash desks of banks, the sizes and a target direction of their deliveries to the enterprises, the organizations, establishments and separate persons, and also issue result, that is the sum of release or withdrawal from the reference.

The primary goal of banks of all levels in work on forecasting of cash turns consists in achievement of the greatest reliability and a reality of made payments and change definition on personal monetary weights in a turn. The important stage is also working out of actions for increase in receipt of cash, to their economical use for the purpose of issue restriction.

For finding-out of volume and sources of receipt of cash in cash desks of establishments of banks, revealing of their deliveries, and also definition of issue result in areas, edges, republics and as a whole on Republic Kazakhstan the forecast of cash turns for quarter is made.

The credit organizations for definition of requirement for the cash necessary for maintenance of account operations of the clients, make look-ahead payments of expected receipts of cash in cash desks and their deliveries on the basis of dynamic numbers and «the Report on cash turns of establishments of Bank of Kazakhstan and the credit organizations» or on the basis of the cash demands received from the served enterprises. These payments are made by the credit organizations quarterly with distribution on months and go to the settlement-cash centre where the correspondent account of the given organization, for fourteen days prior to the beginning of predicted quarter is opened.

The settlement-cash centers quarterly with distribution on months make forecasts of cash turns, but to arrival, the expense and issue result as a whole on the served credit organizations on the basis of the analysis of turns of the cash passing through their cash desks, in look-ahead payments received from the credit organizations. For seven days prior to the beginning of a quarter the given forecasts are informed territorial establishment of Bank of Republic.

Информация о работе Money_turnover