Trichoderma туысына жататын саңырауқұлақтардың биологиялық ерекшеліктері және оларды ауыл шаруашылығы практикасында қолдану

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Января 2013 в 12:54, автореферат

Описание работы

Жұмыстың жалпы сипаттамасы. Қарастырылып отырған жұмыс Қазақстанның әртүрлі типті топырақтарында таралған Trichoderma туысына жататын сапрофитті микромицеттердің биологиясы мен оларды астық дақылдарының өсіру технологиясында қолдану мақсаттарына арналған.

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АВТОРЕФЕРАТ [Бекишев Н.Ш].doc

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В мелкоделяночных опытах обработка семян пшеницы чистой культурой штаммов Т.115 и Т.124 дало прибавку  урожая соответственно 4,3 ц/га и 4,7 ц/га. На посевах ячменя ограничения распространения и развития корневых гнилей отмечены на вариантах с применением штаммов Т.350, Т.115 и Т.134.  Ростстимулирующие и фунгицидные свойства штаммов Т.350 и Т.134 способствовали увеличению урожайности ячменя на 6-6,7 ц/га в мелкоделяночных опытах.       

В производственных опытах обработка семян пшеницы штаммами Т.340,  Т.115  и Т.350 способствуют  увеличению полевой всхожести в среднем на 11-16% по сравнению с контролем. Высокая биологическая эффективность выявлена на участках, где семена были обработаны штаммами триходермы Т.134, Т.124 и Т.340. Установлено, что обработка семян  штаммами Т.115, Т.124 и  Т.340 дает прибавку  урожая  0,7-1,8 ц/га.  Хозяйственная эффективность обработки семян пшеницы биопрепаратами на основе штаммов Т.124, Т.115 и Т.340 составила  20,9%, 14,8%  и 11,3% соответственно.

Область применения. Сельское хозяйство.

Практическая  значимость работы.

Проведены работы по выделению  и изучению биологических особенностей грибов рода  Trichoderma в условиях Северного Казахстана и их использованию против возбудителей корневой гнили зерновых культур. Получено 5 свидетельств о депонировании штаммов Tr. lignorum (Т.124, Т.134),  Tr. album (Т.115, Т.340, Т.350) в Республиканскую коллекцию микроорганизмов Республики Казахстан. Создана схема получения биопрепарата триходермин NIB на основе штаммов Tr. album.

Рекомендации  по конкретному использованию результатов.

Обработка семян штаммами грибов рода Trichoderma позволяет улучшить структурные и технологические качества урожая зерновых культур, а также получать прибавку урожая до 1,8  ц/га в засушливые годы.










Bekishev Nourdaulet Shildebayevich


Biological features of fungi of species Trichoderma and their use in agricultural practice


For the scientific degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences

03.00.07 – microbiology


Aim of work. Research of biological features of fungi of species Тrichoderma in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan and selection of efficient strains of fungi-antagonists for the production of effective biopreparations for protecting grain crops against root rots and improving productivity of plants in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.

Aim of researching.

  1. The isolation of fungi of species Тrichoderma from the soils of Northern Kazakhstan, the identification;
  2. The study of biological features of fungi of species Тrichoderma: physiological-biochemical and morphogenesis;
  3. The study of effect of cultural filtrates of fungi-antagonists on the casual organisms of Alternaria, Fusarium, Helminthosporium blights and on the growth and development of seedlings of grain crops;
  4. The estimation of biological efficiency of isolated strains of fungi-antagonists against root rots of spring durum wheat and barley in microplot trials.
  5. The selection of the best substrates for producing the biopreparation, the development of the scheme of receiving the preparation Trichodermin-NIB;
  6. The test of laboratory samples of biopreparations under production conditions. The estimation of economic and biological efficiency of isolated strains of fungi-antagonists against root rots of spring wheat, their effect on the technological quality of grain.

Objects of research. The objects of research were strains of fungi of species Trichoderma, fungi of species Alternaria tenuis Nees, Bipolaris sorokiniana, and various races of fungi of species Fusarium, varieties of cereal crops, preceding crops.

Scientific novelty.

The fungi of species Trichoderma was learnt in the Northern Kazakhstan, were isolated new species and were revealed morphological, physiological and biochemical species.

Optimal modificated mediums have been selected while cultivating the species of Trichoderma.

High activities of species were fixed T.350, T.115, T.134 and T.124 with regard to exciters of Alternaria, Fusarium, Helmintosporium grane culture. In the conditions of “in vitro” the cultivation of wheat and barley grains by the filters of Trichoderma species stimulates the growth and development of shoots in 130-145% depending on the culture.

The analysis usefulness of nourishing subtract such as straw, barley, sawdust for the preparing of biopreparation, has been held.

The main provisions.

  1. The spreading of the fungies of Trichoderma generation in the soils of Northern Kazakhstan has been examined and some new species have been picked out.
  2. The usefulness of different nourishing mediums and substracts for cultivation of the species of fungies has been studied.
  3. Some active species of belonging to Trichoderma generation have been selected as a result of the study of culture and anthogonistic properties.
  4. The effectiveness of Trichoderma species against root putrefaction has been established in the laboratory and field conditions and the increase of productivity of grain crops has been got.

Results of research

As a result of mycological analysis of various soil types more than 15 strains of fungi-antagonists have been found out. The majority of isolated strains is of species Trichoderma lignorum (80%) and about 20% of species Tr. album.

The trichodermal fungi are characterised by high celluloselytic activity. The isolated strains also have a high pectinase and amilolytic activity. The variability of cultural-morphological features of fungi-antagonists on Chapek medium with various sources of nitrogen and carbon has been studied. The most favorable sources for growth are sodium nitrite, barium nitrate, potassium nitrate, magnesium nitrate.

Among 15 strains of fungi of species Trichoderma the strains Т.385, Т.383, Т.456, Т.350, Т.115, Т.340 and Т.134 have the inhibitory and fungicidal action against the casual organisms of Alternaria, Fusarium and Helminthosporium blights of grain crops.

The increase in seeds germination of the variety of durum wheat Damsinskaya 90 by 6,6-15,6% has been found when treating seeds with CF strains Т.350, Т.82 and Т.386. The stimulation of radicles growth by 42-140% occured under the action of CF strains Т.134, Т.124, Т.340, Т.115, Т.82, Т.460 and Т.384 as compared to the control one. It is found out that the metabolites of fungi strains of species Trichoderma Т.115, Т.460 and Т.340 stimulate the growth and the development of seedlings and the germination of seeds of the spring bread variety Tselinnaya Yubileinaya.

The analysis on revealing the suitability of 5 various organic and mineral substrates has been made. The greatest accumulation and spore formation of strains Т.124 and Т.134 has been marked in barley straw and seeds. For active strains such as Т.350 and Т.340 barley straw and seeds were the most suitable ones. The scheme of producing the preparation Trichodermin-NIB has been developed.

The treatment of seeds with strains Т.340, Т.115 and Т.350 improve the field germination on the average by 11-16% in comparison with the control. The high biological efficiency was in the sites where seeds were treated with strains Trichoderma Т.134, Т.124 and Т.340. It was revealed that the treatment of seeds with strains Т.115, Т.124 and Т.340 gives an increase in yield of 0,7-1,8 q/ha. The economic efficiency of treating wheat seeds with biopreparations on the basis of strains Т.124, Т.115 and Т.340 has made 20,9%, 14,8% and 11,3% correspondingly.

Area of application. Agriculture

Practical importance of work

The research on isolation and study of biological features of fungi of species Trichoderma in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan and their use against casual organisms of root rot of grain crops has been carried out. 5 certificates of depositing strains Tr. lignorum (Т.124, Т.134), Tr. album (Т.115, Т.340, Т.350) in the Republican collection of microorganisms of the Republic of Kazakhstan were received. The scheme of producing the biopreparation Trichodermin NIB on the basis of strains Trichoderma album has been developed.

Recommendations for concrete use of results

The treatment of seeds with strains of fungi of species Trichoderma allows to improve the structural and technological qualities of cereal crops yield and also to obtain an increase in yield up to 1,8 q/ha in droughty years.


Информация о работе Trichoderma туысына жататын саңырауқұлақтардың биологиялық ерекшеліктері және оларды ауыл шаруашылығы практикасында қолдану