Religion: Its Past and Present; Its Role in British Society

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Марта 2014 в 09:27, курсовая работа

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We know that one of the most significant differences between man and other living beings is the moral and the socio-moral aspect of man’s existence. Man is not merely a physical being. On the contrary, man has a strong moral aspect to his existence. This moral and socio-moral aspect of man’s existence is the foundation on which the legal and social structures that we see in all the societies have evolved overtime. It is in fact the acceptance, appreciation and realization of mutual rights and responsibilities, which has resulted in the strong bonds of family, friendship, tribe and society. So it’s religion that supports social norms, provides social integration, social control, legitimating of social values, social solidarity, social conformity, interpretation of important life cycles in society and life events, informs legal systems.

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A number of factors have lead to the importance of religious divides in recent decades. One cause is the rapid expansion of communications and international transport. Another is the increasing amount of persecution and refugees, either political or economic. In the aftermath of empires stretching across the world, people who were subjects of western imperialism naturally turned to the seats of their empires to help to sustain their welfare, because those same empires had often offered them welfare in exchange for exploitation. The result in every case has been the rapid mixing of cultures, traditions and religions. This is not a new phenomenon. Migrations and refugees have contributed greatly to the growth and richness of societies over the centuries.

It has been studied that the churches in Britain have entered into a period more revolutionary than any other since the Reformation. A primary cause or this has been the impact of 20th century communications, which have brought the mass of population into contact with the increasing influx since World War 2 of a broad variety of immigrant groups. Frequently these new groups have sought to preserve their identity, not least by retaining the faith and practices of their homelands. Thus, for the first time the people of Britain have been brought into contact with Eastern and other non-Christian religions. The lineaments of religion in Britain, accordingly, not only include the Catholic and Protestant and between the various Protestant denominations, but also involve an encounter of a new but as yet unarticulated intensity between Christianity and other major religions.

To sum up, religion in the United Kingdom is often organized separately in each of the countries of the United Kingdom. It has been described main Christian religions of Britain. There are such denominations as Roman Catholic, Church of England, Presbyterian, Methodist, Independent, Eastern Orthodox, Baptist and others. Britain’s immigrations have also brought with them their own religions which they continue to practise. There are Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs from the Indian subcontinent and the largest group of Jews living in Europe.

In spite of the great variety of forms of worship, only a minority of people regularly go to church in Britain today.




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