Relationship Between Parents And Children In The Play Of William Shakespeare ‘King Lear’

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2013 в 17:04, научная работа

Описание работы

Theme of my research work is actual and might be interesting for public wide range. I know that thousands of young people don’t get on with their parents well. I think all people faced this problem when they were young and then, when they had their own children. As for me, I get on with my parents all right. Every day I can talk with my mother and father about everything, because they understand me and help me at any time.
I have some friends, whose parents treat them unfairly as small children, but my mum and dad treat me as the adult, as the equal. I consider, that such relationships as in my family is rare at this time, that`s why this topic is important nowadays.

Содержание работы


William Shakespeare`s biography
The Play ‘‘King Lear’’. What is it about?
The main idea of the play
Misunderstandings between old and young people in the play
Parents` problems in socializing with their children
The ten tips to strengthen families
