Психологический кабинет

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Сентября 2013 в 14:18, курсовая работа

Описание работы

The relevance of the business plan is due to the fact that psychological assistance to the population - a phenomenon quite commonplace in Western countries, but relatively rare in Russia. Consequently, the number of organizations providing such assistance is low. However, statistics show that in recent years Russia has experienced a growth in the number of appeals for psychological help.

Содержание работы

1. Executive Summary
2. Company summary
3.The product
4. Management and Personnel
5. Market and marketing strategy
6. Financial plan

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Federal  Education  Agency 
Baikal  State  University of  Economics and  Low 
Chita  Institute  
Foreign  Languages  Department








Graduation  Paper 
Business Project

Psychological Health Center











                                      Written by:   3 year student  World  Economy  Department Kvyatkov  Egor

                                       Supervisor: associate  professor   Makkaveeva  L.G.                               

The plan

1. Executive  Summary

2. Company summary

3.The product

4. Management  and  Personnel

5. Market and marketing strategy

6. Financial plan




















Executive  Summary

The relevance of the business plan is due to the fact that psychological assistance to the population - a phenomenon quite commonplace in Western countries, but relatively rare in Russia. Consequently, the number of organizations providing such assistance is low. However, statistics show that in recent years Russia has experienced a growth in the number of appeals for psychological help.

Modern society places a person in a position where its mind every day is tested for strength, when support is needed, help, and sometimes you just need to give confidence to the people, to show  them that they can, subject to cost some effort.

Almost everyone has some psychological deviations, whether he knows it or does not know. These deviations are an obstacle to the development of personality. In this case, you should see a specialist, but many people ignore their psychological problems. With the development of this industry, the more people will seek the help of psychologists and therefore will be more healthy and happy people.

To do this, and there is a psychological help, which is implemented in the form of:

  • training;
  • psychological counseling;
  • conversations.

The task of the center:

Provide a comprehensive solution to the problems with which people are turning to the center for help, to give everyone the opportunity to change your life for the better, to find the mental strength to develop their personal and spiritual abilities.

Company summary

In our town are not many centers of psychological help, in this connection occupy a good position in this sphere is not easy, because there are already centers with a certain prestige. The task of my center, to take a strong position on the market of psychological services in the city of Chita. This can be attained through: the provision of better services, the use of new training programs, advantageous location and quality advertising.

Our advantages are:

1. Individual approach to each client - we create an individual program of aid and development, which may include both individual counseling and group sessions, work with different specialists. The combination of different forms of assistance allows you to get the maximum benefit from treatment at the center.

2. All services provided are different quality and environmental friendliness.

3. In the center are copyrights training programs and psychotherapy groups. This makes it possible after the end of the program to meet with the coach and discuss current problems.

4. Our pricing policy is an opportunity for people with different levels of income to use our services.

5. The center employs only experienced professionals who regularly improve their skills. The quality of the work of specialists monitored in supervision (internal and external).

Weaknesses of the center:

  • competition
  • absence of experience in the given sphere
  • not a large customer base at the initial stage



















The product

Center specializes in various kinds of counseling and activities are aimed at a specific population:

  • individual
  • family
  • group
  • spousal
  • children 

Our experts will help you to cope with various psychological problems and mental disorders such as:

  • Depressive states
  • irritability
  • Diffident
  • Specific behavior (gambling addiction, love addiction, co-dependent relationship)
  • Fears, phobias, anxiety,
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Psychological trauma
  • Health problems (psychosomatic)
  • The problems in marital and parent-child relationships











Management  and  Personnel

At the initial stage, the "center" will be a single room, which can be rented in any building. The advantage of such a business that does not require any special equipment, just a room and furniture. As for the staff, it is also pretty simple: you have to hire a qualified psychologists 2-3 to 3 . But this is just the beginning.

At the initial stage, most of the functions takes over manager in the future will be hired accountant, secretary. Since it's not cost-effective to hire a lot of staff in the business most importantly qualified psychologists.

















Market and marketing strategy

That our company was operating effectively, requires a strong marketing plan, with the help of this we can really assess the market opportunities of the company, to determine the demand and profitable as possible to promote their services to the market. The most common and successful way to attract customers - this is a well designed and thought out promotional activities.

Kinds of advertising company:

  • advertising in magazines and newspapers
  • online advertising
  • Radio advertising
  • leaflets and flyers

In Chita, there are several centers of psychological assistance, such as "White Lily"

"Lad", "Uspeh". They are one of the most famous and influential  centers in our town and our  main competitors. At the initial stage, we will concede to our competitors in the number of services provided, but not in quality. We will use the latest training programs, best practices for customer care. Also our prices will be available to all segments of the population, and later will develop a system of discounts and discount cards for regular customers,  individual approach to each clientThe target customers are the consumers of mental health services (i.e. individuals, couples, families, and groups). The composition breakdown is approximately 50% adults and 50% children, adolescents, and families.

Financial plan

Rough estimates of costs and revenues, the payback period

Indicator 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month.

1.Startovy capital 5000 12400 25800 39200.

2. income:

-from training (2p per month x 9 persons) 90,000 9,000 0 90,000;

-Investment (credit) 33,000;

3. Expenses Total cash 78600 76600 76600.

registration in 1000;

licensing in 1000;

Advertising 10000 10000 10000;

training rooms for rent 8000 8000 8000;

accommodation specialist 2 days + power 8000 8000 8000;

payment of wages 20000 20000 20000;

Tax 30600 30600 30600.

4. Profit12400 13400 13400.

As you can see, the profit will come no earlier than six months, subject to increase in the number of clients.



















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