Парк развлечений Диснейленд

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Октября 2013 в 23:17, реферат

Описание работы

The basic concept of Disneyland came when Walt Disney , along with his daughters Diane and Sharon was visiting Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Watching them on the carousel , Disney imagined a place where children would be able to come with their parents to have a fun time together . This dream for many years remained a mere dream . One source of inspiration was the park paradise Sources commune "House of David" in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Walt Disney visited the park and ultimately bought one of the old steam engines that were used there.

Содержание работы

PARТ 1 Concept and construction.............................................................. 6
PART 2 1990 : The park is resort………………………………………….
PART 3 Interesting facts………………………………………..… 50
BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………….…………… ………………… 65

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