Must may and might compared

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Апреля 2012 в 00:04, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Most teachers are probably familiar with a list of modals similar to the one offered in Headway Intermediate: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, and ought. Teachers would also probably agree with the explanation given by Headway, namely that these verbs are auxiliaries because “they ‘help’ another verb” (Soars and Soars, 1996: 146). For good measure, Headway tells students that “each modal has at least two meanings” (ibid.: 147).

Содержание работы

Introduction. What are Modal Verbs? What is Modality?…………………...2
Chapter I: Must, may and might compared
1.1. Formation of the modal conjugations……………………………...…….5
1.2.The Functions of Modal Verbs may, might and must………………...……..6
1.3. Uses of May and Might. Use of Must.……………….…...……...............9
1.4. May, Might and Must compared using….....……………………………11
1.5. How to Write Sentences Using Modal Verbs.…………………………..13
Chapter II: Practical comparison of modal verbs must, may and might

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