How to write an essay

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Октября 2013 в 18:29, доклад

Описание работы

The major problems a working mother faces concern her children. She must either find a reliable person who will be loving toward the children or a good day-care center where the children can go. If a child gets sick, the mother must make special arrangements for the child to be cared for at home, or she must stay home from work. While at work the mother may worry about her children. She may wonder if they are safe, if they are learning the values she wants them to have, and if her absence is hurting them emotionally. She may also regret not being able to take them to after-school activities or participate in family activities with them.

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How to write an essay (guidelines)


I. The structure of an essay:

1. The introductory paragraph – tells the reader what the essay is about.

To write it you are to do the following:

a) Introduce the topic in general.

b) Narrow the topic down to focus more on the question.

c) Restate the question in your own words and in statement form.

d) Write the concluding statement of the introduction which is the thesis statement and indicates the controlling idea of the essay.


2. The body – some paragraphs (at least two) which support the introduction.

a) Write a topic sentence that supports the controlling idea mentioned in the thesis statement of your introduction

b) Expand the idea of the topic sentence, using details, examples, facts, descriptions, personal experiences, etc. Organize the supporting sentences, using one of the following techniques: enumeration, descending order (from the most important to the least important fact), ascending order (from the least important to the most important fact), cause-effect development, comparison and contrast.

c) Write a concluding sentence which summarizes the information given in the paragraph.


3. The concluding paragraph – completes the essay:

a) Restate the thesis statement.

b) Restate the topic sentences from the developmental paragraphs.

c) State your opinion or preference, make a prediction, or give a solution.

d) Conclude with a statement that sums up the essay.


II. The sample essay



Some people believe that a mother should not work. Others argue against this. Consider the problems that a working mother faces. Do you believe a mother should work? Support your opinion.



Introductory Paragraph

Nowadays it is very common for mothers to work outside the home. Whether a woman should stay at home or join the work force is debated by many people. Some argue that the family, especially small children, may be neglected. The fact is, however, that many women need to work because of economic reasons or want to work to maintain a career. I believe that every mother has the right to work, and the decision to work should be one that a woman makes on her own. But first she should carefully consider the many problems that affect mothers who work.

Supporting (developmental) paragraph I

The major problems a working mother faces concern her children. She must either find a reliable person who will be loving toward the children or a good day-care center where the children can go. If a child gets sick, the mother must make special arrangements for the child to be cared for at home, or she must stay home from work. While at work the mother may worry about her children. She may wonder if they are safe, if they are learning the values she wants them to have, and if her absence is hurting them emotionally. She may also regret not being able to take them to after-school activities or participate in family activities with them.

Supporting (developmental) paragraph II

Even though a mother is frequently forced into working for economic reasons, she soon discovers that there are added expenses. Her biggest expense is child care. Another expense is transportation. This may include purchasing and maintaining a car. Yet another expense is clothing, such as a uniform or stylish suits, to maintain a professional appearance. Finally, if her company does not have a subsidized cafeteria, she will have to pay for food in restaurants.


After a mother takes into account all of the above problems and perhaps other problems unique to her situation, she must decide if a job is worth it. I believe that even though she faces major obstacles, these obstacles are not insurmountable. Many mothers do work and manage a family very successfully. In conclusion, it is a woman's right to make this choice, and only the woman herself should decide this matter.


III. The analysis of the sample essay

Introductory paragraph

Notice that the essay has an introductory paragraph which states the general topic "working mothers." It restates the information in the question about people being in disagreement. It states the opinion that every mother has the right to work and the decision to work should be a mother's choice. It then tells the reader that the essay will focus on a controlling idea — the problems that a woman must first consider before making this decision. The sentence containing the controlling idea of an essay is called the thesis statement. The thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Second paragraph

The second paragraph in this essay is the first paragraph of the body of the essay. It is called the first developmental paragraph. It supports the controlling idea of problems that was identified in the introduction. The topic sentence (the first sentence) of this paragraph states the idea of "problems concerning children." All the sentences in this paragraph describe either a problem concerning children or a detail explaining a problem concerning children.

Third paragraph

The third paragraph, or second developmental paragraph, in this essay also supports the controlling idea of problems that was identified in the introduction. The topic sentence of this paragraph states the idea "problems of added expenses." All the sentences in this paragraph describe either an added expense or a detail explaining the added expense.


The last paragraph in this essay is the conclusion. The conclusion restates the topic of working mothers. Again, the controlling idea of problems which face a working mother is repeated. Also, the opinion that it should be a woman's choice is restated. All of these restatements are in different words. The last statement is the concluding statement. It completes the essay.

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