How to kill your business

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Апреля 2013 в 21:54, реферат

Описание работы

1) Low sales. Sales is to a business what blood is to the humans. Without sales, there is no cash flow and there is no business development. So when owner begin to notice a period of low sales and doesn’t make an attempt to improve this situation – it is the right way to murder the business.
2) Being rude to customers. It can leave a lasting negative impression about your company. So we come back to the first poin. No customer – no sales and your business may be dying!

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How to kill your business?

1) Low sales. Sales is to a business what blood is to the humans. Without sales, there is no cash flow and there is no business development. So when owner begin to notice a period of low sales and doesn’t make an attempt to improve this situation – it is the right way to murder the business.

2) Being rude to customers. It can leave a lasting negative impression about your company. So we come back to the first poin. No customer – no sales and your business may be dying!

3)  No innovation. To remain in business, you can’t afford to rely on past glory alone. IBM held on to their past glory as the industry leader of mainframe computers and watched Microsoft steal away the global market of desktop computers through their user friendly Windows Operating Systems. When there’s nothing new about your business, you discourage potential new ones.

4) Create problems out of thin air. When you make a problem out of nothing, and trying to solve each one, you can miss some major problems.

5) Low employee morale. A business with high employee morale is a healthy business. So to know how well your business is doing, check how well your people are doing.


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