History of development of a cadastre

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Декабря 2013 в 21:00, реферат

Описание работы

The cadastre which is conducted now worldwide, is continuously connected with concept of the account, an estimation of a condition and use of natural resources, engineering activity, ecology, and assumes allocation of territorial borders homogeneous for the conditions, their mapping and the description with use of quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

The cadastre, in modern understanding, represents result of long historical process. The analysis of cadastral activity in the past allows to organize better it in the present and can serve as the tool allowing with biggest by reliability to judge the future prospects.

Содержание работы

General provisions
History of development of a cadastre in Russia with 9 till 18 century
General land surveying of the earths in Russia in 18 century
Land reform of 1861
Stolypin’s reform
The account of the earths in days of the Soviet Union
Ground relations at the present stage

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