Generation Like

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Февраля 2015 в 13:32, статья

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The documentary explores the push and pull of modern marketing, which is pretty indistinguishable from internet culture. This, of course, is no coincidence. The show looks at everything from corporate sponsorship of YouTube stars like Cate Clapp to the average teen who's fretting about the number of likes his Facebook profile picture might be receiving.

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Generation Like.

The documentary explores the push and pull of modern marketing, which is pretty indistinguishable from internet culture. This, of course, is no coincidence. The show looks at everything from corporate sponsorship of YouTube stars like Cate Clapp to the average teen who's fretting about the number of likes his Facebook profile picture might be receiving.

We're all brands now, and this is terrifying. But the entire documentary is also liberally soaked with a kind of romanticization of the past; a struggle to understand how America could've produced such a generation of tech-savvy sell-outs. A lot of elder people have a question about such popular teenagers: HAVE YOU NO SHAME, without recognizing that perhaps their answer is both "no" and "shame about what?"

Douglas Rushkoff, host of the program introduces us to a young woman who says she's been working 4-5 hours per day liking and retweeting various forms of social media for the Hunger Games. "It makes me feel like a worker, but in the end it's all worth it because I get more sparks," she tells us. What does this young woman get from her hours of clicks? Sparks. What do sparks get her? Recognition as a serious Hunger Games fan. And that's really all she wants out of that relationship.

She isn't ignorant to the realities of this exchange. For the most part, she understands what's going on. And that's the interesting part. She knows what her efforts are providing both to her and the studio behind the Hunger Games movies. She just doesn't really seem to care.

Today's teens are putting themselves out there online for anyone to see. They tell the world what they think, starting with their own online profiles.

The boy, which is rough and dirty stick to adult women do not understand how he behaves. He takes everything as a joke, looks on his acts through the prism of social networks. He does not think about the consequences, only about getting likes.

Although the rules of some websites prohibit the registration of children, millions of teens have their own accounts and post their lives.

To sum up how social networks influence on the fragile mind, I would like to tell about the recent example: this year American teens ONLY FOR LIKES tied the dog and went over it on a jeep, until it turned into a bloody mess. They posted a video on instagram and called it "stupid dog". This video received huge negative response all over the world, but teens do not stop and set fire to a cat. They were fined and given 5 years in prison, however, I suppose, that it is nothing for people who are already at an early age are ready to kill defenseless creature just for fun. Frankly speaking, I wondered how strong the role of balance of control and confidence and education of parents. As for me, social networks should be available fledged personalities only, but how to track it?

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