Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Декабря 2013 в 15:31, курсовая работа

Описание работы

At present time the problem of increased psycho-emotional stress on students. Application of game forms of training helps to reduce pressure on the students' information. During the game, the child unconsciously possessed training material.
About training opportunities for games has long been known. Many prominent educators rightly drawn attention to the effectiveness of games in the learning process. And this is understandable. We believe that in the game are especially full of unexpected and sometimes a person's ability, especially a child.

Содержание работы

1. Relevance of the theme of course work
2. Classification of games
2.1 Disclosure of the concept of the game
2.2 There are several groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child
2.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language
3. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving
The Adverb Game

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Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school


  • Introduction
  • 1. Relevance of the theme of course work
  • 2. Classification of games
  • 2.1 Disclosure of the concept of the game
  • 2.2 There are several groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child
  • 2.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language
  • 3. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • The Adverb Game


At present time the problem of increased psycho-emotional stress on students. Application of game forms of training helps to reduce pressure on the students' information. During the game, the child unconsciously possessed training material.

About training opportunities for games has long been known. Many prominent educators rightly drawn attention to the effectiveness of games in the learning process. And this is understandable. We believe that in the game are especially full of unexpected and sometimes a person's ability, especially a child.

At school the special place occupied by such forms of employment that provide an active part in the lesson, each pupil, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility for the results of the school pupils work.

In the present method and practice of teaching children in elementary school focuses on the optimal combination of different forms, methods and teaching aids. This allows us to more effectively address training and education objectives of the program

But learning tasks performed in class, often determine the monotony of intellectual activity of students by implementing a training goal - securing knowledge, and skills development. This adversely affects the development of students and the future of learning.

In recent years, significantly changed the priorities of primary education. Today, his main goal - the development of creative student's personality. Ask the children - ¬ they love stories and games? Sure, all the answer - yes.

english educational game teaching

1. Relevance of the theme of course work

The game - one of the most important means of intellectual and moral education of children. Great importance to the game as an educational tool attached AS Makarenko, "What child is in the game, is that in many ways it will work when she grows up. Therefore, education of the future leader is, above all in the game. "Lessons from the use of games and game situations are an effective means of training and education, as the rest of the traditional construction of the lesson and the introduction of the game story attracted the attention of the entire class. The content of the game - it's always a number of learning tasks. In the game pupils get into a situation that allows them to critically assess their knowledge in an active step, cause this knowledge into the system.

These important conclusions I came not once, but in the process of accumulation of knowledge and experience with younger students. The urgency of this problem is caused by the need for improving methods of psycho-pedagogical influence on the emerging personality of the child to develop self-sufficiency of children, intelligent, communicative and creative abilities.

I will single out three aspects of relevance.

The social aspect.

Under the conditions of modern life, most parents can not provide free time to communicate with children and their development (working late, at the best time to check homework.) Educational and cultural level of the parents is low (higher education in 21% of parents of students). Hence we see that parents, in most cases, unable to develop the thinking of their children.

The scientific aspect.

In today's school observed intensification of the educational process, the complexity of programs designed for the use of logical reasoning and creative abilities of pupils of primary school.

The practical aspect.

The game helps to develop visual, auditory perception system of the students. Make the lesson interesting and accessible, helping to increase the activity of children to learn skills and improve the quality of education.

The game - especially the organized activities requiring mental and emotional stress forces. The game always involves making a decision - what to do, what to say, how to win? The desire to resolve these issues aggravates the mental activity of the players. And if the child is at the same time to speak a foreign language? Do not lurk there a rich learning opportunities? Children, however, do not think about it. For them, the game is first of all - fun. Therefore, in our view, the goal of the game forms of learning - not only the formation of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills, but also the development of interest in the target language.

Games contribute to the implementation of important methodological problems:

The creation of the psychological readiness of children to the speech communication;

Provide a natural need for frequent repetition of linguistic material;

Coaching students in choosing the right version of the speech, which is preparing for the situational spontaneity of speech at all.

The purpose of this paper - to analyze the possibility of using gaming techniques as a means to enhance the cognitive activity of adolescent English language lessons.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

A. To study the literature on the issue of the use of gaming techniques as a means of stimulating cognitive activity in adolescent English language lessons.

Two. To analyze the different approaches to the classification of gaming techniques.

Three. Highlight features of the use of gaming techniques in teaching young people English.

Object: The Game methods of teaching English.

Subject: The use of gaming techniques as a means of stimulating cognitive activity in adolescent English language lessons.

The objectives and functions of education.

Revealing the essence of the learning process involves the definition of its functions.

The learning process is designed to carry out educational, educational and developmental functions.

Isolation of these functions, the learning process carried out conventionally, as the distinction between the processes of education, training and personal development are relative, and some aspects are common. Conditional release of these functions is necessary in practice for teacher training and goal-setting process, the diagnosis of the results.

The educational function of the learning process involves the assimilation of the individual scientific knowledge, the formation of ad hoc and obscheuchebnyh skills.

Educational function of the learning process is to create a system of values ??and emotional relationship of personality to the world and the totality of its qualities.

Developing function of the learning process determines the development of general and special abilities of the individual and mental processes.

Characteristic features of the learning process be regarded as unacceptable in isolation performed. They are complexly interwoven cause and effect relationships, when one of the functions is a consequence of the other, while the cause of the third. Thus, the discipline of education, social activity creates the conditions for effective learning. A study, in turn, helps educate those qualities.

The main aims of education is considered to be:

creation of favorable conditions for the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual all-round development of their skills, ensuring students receive a strong knowledge and principles of science and the ability to replenish their own;

provide universal education to the level corresponding to the rapid development of science and makes it possible to adapt to the modern world;

implement the idea of ??the general, intellectual and moral development of the individual means of humanization of education;

educate citizens on the basis of a highly universal moral values ??that can lead an active life, work and creativity;

follow the international standards for the construction of programs for children with high intellectual ability: deepening the content of programs, the development of high-level thought processes, the development of understanding of students' own abilities;

form a person with a developed intellect and high culture, ready to be a conscious choice and development of vocational education programs.

The main aims in teaching students a foreign language are:

formation in children of primary communication skills in foreign languages??, foreign language skills to use to achieve their goals, the expression of thoughts and feelings arising in real communication situations;

creating a positive setting for the further study of foreign languages; revival of interest in the life and culture of other countries;

education of active-creative and emotional-aesthetic attitude to the word;

development of linguistic abilities of students with their age-appropriate structure for the older preschoolers;

decentration of personality, it is possible to see the world from different perspectives.

2. Classification of games

2.1 Disclosure of the concept of the game

At school the special place occupied by such forms of employment that provide an active part in the lesson, each pupil, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility for the results of the school pupils work. These problems can be successfully addressed through technology learning game forms.

The game has great significance in the life of a child, has the same significance as an adult activity, work, service. The game only seems outwardly carefree and easy. In fact, it imperiously demands that playing gave her the maximum of its energy, intelligence, persistence, self-sufficiency.

Game forms of learning can be used at all levels of learning, from the reproductive activity by transforming the main goal - creative-search activities. Creative-search activity is more effective if it is preceded by reproducing and transforming activity in which students learn the techniques of teaching.

From the opening game concepts can identify a number of general provisions:

1. The game is an independent type of developmental activities for children of different ages.

2. Children play is the freest form of their activity, which is realized, we study the world, offers a wide scope for personal creativity, activity, self-knowledge, self-expression.

3. The game - the first stage of the child's preschool, primary school of his conduct, and equitable regulatory activities of primary school children, teenagers, young adults, changing their goals as they grow older students.

4. The game is the practice of development. Children play because they evolve and develop so that they are playing.

5. The game - the freedom of self-discovery, self-development based on the subconscious mind and creativity.

6. The game - the main sphere of communication between children, it solved the problem of interpersonal relations, human relations experience is gained.

2.2 There are several groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child

Group I - subject game, as the manipulation of toys and objects. Through toy - items - children learn the shape, color, size, material, animal world, a world of people, etc.

Group II - Game creative, role playing, in which the plot - a form of intellectual activity.

The creative role playing games in training - not just entertainment or a way to welcome the organization of cognitive material. The game has great heuristic and persuasive potential, it throws up something that "seems one", and brings that to the teachings and life resists comparison and balancing. Scientific prediction, guessing the future can be attributed to "the ability to imagine a game of imagination as the integrity of the system, which from the point of view of science or common sense, systems are not. "

Group III is a didactic game.

Typically, they require the student's ability to decipher, unravel, unravel, and most importantly - to know the subject. The more skillful didactic game is made, the most cleverly hidden didactic purpose. Operate the game of knowledge embedded in student learning unintentionally, unwittingly playing.

2.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language

Despite the fact that a child's play has been written so many, the questions of the theory of it so complicated that a single classification of games still do not exist.

Thus, for the number of participants in the game are divided into individual, pair and group. And the first target to communicate with the text, and the other to communicate with partners. The nature and form of the game produce substantive, moving with a verbal component, scene, or situational, games, competition, intellectual (tests, puzzles, crosswords, chaynovody, etc.), interaction (communication), complex, etc. By way of organization of the game There are computers, writing on message boards, etc. In terms of complexity of the actions distinguish simple and complex games, the duration of the - not long and lengthy.

Language pgames helping to learn the various aspects of language (phonetics, vocabulary, etc.) are divided into phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic.

Thus, the educational game - is focused on the zone of proximal development of the game, combining teaching with the aim of appealing to the motive of the child.

Therefore, introducing the game into a lesson, it is important for the result of didactic teaching, but may not be the motivation for the work of children. The game has to change the style of the relationship between children and adults the teacher, who can not impose anything: a child can play only when he wants and when he is interested, and those who cause him sympathy.

A teacher can not only be the organizer of the game - he has to play with your child, because children have great pleasure in playing with adults, and because game atmosphere collapses under the gaze of the observer.

The main purpose of phonetic games - staged (correction) pronunciation, practice in pronunciation of sounds in words, phrases, practicing intonation. They are used regularly, mostly at the initial stage of learning a foreign language (water-remedial course) as an illustration and exercises to practice the most difficult to pronounce sounds and intonations. As we move forward phonetic games are implemented at the level of words, sentences, Rhymes, tongue twisters, poems and songs. The experience gained in games of this type can be used by students in the classroom in the future in a foreign language.

Lexical games have focused students' attention solely on the lexical material and are designed to assist them in acquiring and expanding vocabulary, and to work to illustrate the use of words in communication situations. There are different types of vocabulary games

Battle Ships - A Vocabulary Game

Level: Easy to Medium


Divide the students in to groups of four or five. Then ask the student to make the name for their ships for example with the names of animals, cities, movie stars or let them find their own favourite names.

Ask them to choose the Captain and the Shooter. The captain's duty is to memorize his ship's name, so he can reply if somebody call his ship's name. The shooter's duty is to memorize the names of the ships of 'their enemies', so he can shoot them by calling their ship's name.


Arrange all the captains in a circle, the ships' crews must line up behind their captains. The shooter is the last crew member in line.

The teacher must decide a lexical area of vocabulary, this vocabulary will be used to defend their ships from the attacks. Every students (except the shooters) must find their own words. The lexical area for example, "Four Legged Animals". Give the students 1-2 minutes to find as many possible words as they can and memorize them.

Start the game by calling a ship's name, for example the ship name is "THE CALIFORNIAN". The captain of THE CALIFORNIAN must reply with a word from the lexical area given, for example he says "TIGER" followed by his crews behind him one by one, "COW"; "SHEEP" until it is the shooter turns and he calls out the name of another ship and the captain of the ship called must reply and his crews must do the same thing. No word can be repeated.

If the captain is late to reply (more than 2 seconds) or his crew can not say the words or a word repeated or the shooter shoots the wrong ship (his own ship or the ship that has already been sunk) the ship is sunk, and the crew members can join the crew of another ship.

The teacher can change the lexical area for the next round.

In the last round there will be two big groups battling to be the winner.

Grammar games are designed to provide students practical skills to apply knowledge of grammar, increase their mental activities to the use of grammatical structures in natural communication situations.

Tell Me Everything You Know

Here are the basics:

1. Write a sentence on the board and set a time limit.

2. Students write down everything that they can about the grammar of the sentence.

3. When the time is up, students individually share their observations. If anyone else in the room has the same observation, they must cross if off of their list. If they are the only ones who have made that particular observation, they get a point.

4. Whoever has the most points wins.

Stylistic games aim to teach students to distinguish between formal and informal styles of communication, as well as the right to use each of them in different situations.

Verbal games teach the ability to use language resources in the process of committing an act of speech, and repelled from the specific situation in which speech acts are carried out.

Proper Noun Exercise Verbally, give as as many proper names of the nouns as you can think of for those listed below. Do this as quickly as you can!


boys = Douglas, Edward, John, Peter, Andrew, Alexander, Joshua, Caleb





Books of the Bible







animal pet names


Bible characters

amusement parks


Role-playing game.

Among the different types of games holds a special place role-playing game.

As you know, of great importance in the educational process is learning motivation. It helps to enhance the thinking is of interest to a particular kind of occupation, to perform a particular exercise.

The strongest motivating factor is the training methods that satisfy the need for students to study material novelty and variety of the exercises. Using a variety of teaching techniques helps to perpetuate the memory of linguistic phenomena, creating a more stable visual and auditory images, maintaining interest and activity of students.

The lesson of foreign language is seen as a social phenomenon, where the classroom - a particular social environment in which teachers and students enter intodefinite social relations with each other, where the learning process - the interaction of all present.

The success in training - is the result of collective use of all opportunities for learning. And students should make a significant contribution to this process. Ample opportunities to revamp the educational process is the use of role-playing games. Role play - methodological procedure relating to a group of active methods of teaching practical language skills.

Role-playing is a contingent of actors playing real practical activity, creates conditions for real communication. The effectiveness of training is due primarily to an explosion of motivation, increased interest in the subject.

Role-play motivates speech activity, as students find themselves in a situation where the need is updated to say anything, ask to find out to prove something to share with someone.

Students clearly convinced that the language can be used as a means of communication.

The game will intensify the desire to contact the guys with each other and the teacher creates the conditions of equality in the speech partnership breaks the traditional barrier between teacher and student.

The game allows a timid, diffident students to speak and thus to overcome the barrier of uncertainty. In the usual discussion students, leaders tend to seize the initiative, and the timid prefer to remain silent. In the role-play, each gets a role and must be an active partner in speech communication.

In games, pupils master the elements of communication such as the ability to start a conversation, keep it, to suspend the interlocutor at the right moment to agree with his opinion or disprove it, specifically the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to ask clarifying questions, etc.

Role-playing teaches to be sensitive to the social use of language. A good conversationalist is often not the one who enjoys the best structures, and those who can most clearly recognize (interpret) the situation in which there are partners, to consider the information that is already known (from the situation, experience) and choose the linguistic resources that will be most effective for communication.

Almost all the training time devoted to role-play voice for the practice is not only talking but also listening to the most active, as it is to understand and remember the replica partner, correlate it with the situation, determine how relevant the situation and the problem of communication and properly respond to the cue.

Games have a positive effect on the formation of students' cognitive interests, contribute to the conscious development of a foreign language. They contribute to the development of qualities such as independence, initiative, foster a sense of collectivism. Students actively, enthusiastically working to help each other, listen carefully to their comrades, but the teacher manages the educational activity

Basic requirements for the role-playing games:

Информация о работе Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school