Future society predictions

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Мая 2013 в 01:30, сочинение

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Looking back we can clearly see how quickly our life changes throughout the history. Our grandparents used to put colorful films of plastic onto the black & white TV screens to make the image more “live”, and nowadays we can have a 3D cinema built into our living room’s wall. About 30 years ago telling someone that you can have a computer in your pocket would make them burst out laughing, since the computers were huge machines and would barely fit into the garage… Some technologies that we use every day would seem kind of an impossible science for people who lived 100 years ago, and those in the middle ages would call it black sorcery… So who knows, maybe in the nearest future our lives are going to change dramatically!

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Future society predictions.



Looking back we can clearly see how quickly our life changes throughout the history. Our grandparents used to put colorful films of plastic onto the black & white TV screens to make the image more “live”, and nowadays we can have a 3D cinema built into our living room’s wall. About 30 years ago telling someone that you can have a computer in your pocket would make them burst out laughing, since the computers were huge machines and would barely fit into the garage… Some technologies that we use every day would seem kind of an impossible science for people who lived 100 years ago, and those in the middle ages would call it black sorcery… So who knows, maybe in the nearest future our lives are going to change dramatically!

Personally I think that up to 2050th we’re going to live through some great scientific discoveries. Robots are getting more and more intelligent, engines are getting faster and lighter, medicine is constantly improving. Many deceases that were lethal several decades ago are now easily treated. People can live long years with AIDS and survive cancer, and recent researches show that humanity is about to find the real cure for both. What’s more, there have already been made some projects concerning nanorobots, that would “repair” human body so that we could liv up to few hundred years!

As for the communication, I think that computers won’t hold us back from the joys of real life. First of all, they are getting incredibly portable, so probably we won’t need to have those PCs or notebooks or even mobile phones – everything we need will have a form-factor of an earring with a screen built into the sunglasses. Writing with hands will become useless since computers will be able to write down out thoughts, as simple as nowadays they transform our speech into written lines. Faster internet and improved ways of sharing the information will open even wider possibilities for making friends all around the globe than we already have by now.

I don’t want to concentrate on some possible drawbacks of human evolution and I see the future in the optimistic way, but we have to admit that the problem of pollution is a heavy one nowadays and is getting worse. Many researches are being made in this sphere but for some reasons they are not brought to life as fast as they should. But still I believe that in the future all of it will change to good. And I do want to believe that humans are not that stupid to saw the branch they’re sitting on (by destroying the planet). But even if they are, we can already book our place on the spaceship to the faraway Gliese 581 planetary system, hoping to find our 2nd home in the outer space)


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