English pronunciation in the USA

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Марта 2014 в 19:25, реферат

Описание работы

The complexity of English pronunciation has several aspects. The way the English word is pronounced, often does not correspond to the way it is written. Despite the fact that in the English alphabet of 26 letters and sounds in the English language is almost two times higher. Some English words have the same spelling but are pronounced differently depending on the context, some words can be pronounced exactly the same, but have very different meanings and are spelled differently. Furthermore writing the English word does not tell you how the word should be pronounced. For many English words, you just have to know how the word is spelled and pronounced. Although in English and there are certain rules of reading, exceptions to them much more. That is why the dictionaries to every English word is always a transcription, which tries to identify how the word is pronounced.

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