Employee motivation in HR management

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Мая 2013 в 14:43, реферат

Описание работы

How to recruit, retain, reward, and motivate staff regularly tops your interest list.
Doing these well is the most important strategic role of the manager or the Human Resources professional. In what other capacity can you contribute more to the success of your organization than in encouraging employee involvement and employee engagement? Employee involvement and employee engagement matter to your organization's success.

Содержание работы

2.Employee motivation........................................................................3
3. Rewards and Recognition................................................................4
4. Money as basic motivation..............................................................6
5. Recognition for Performance and other needs.................................7
7.Bibliography …................................................................................9

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Faculty of Economics and Management

Course Paper

Employee motivation in HR management.

Student: Olga. V. Kazakova

Group: 3072/3

Teacher: Victoria M. Yacovleva

Position: Associate professor

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Checked and approved

Saint - Petersburg

















2.Employee motivation........................................................................3

3. Rewards and Recognition................................................................4

4. Money as basic motivation..............................................................6

5. Recognition for Performance and other needs.................................7


7.Bibliography …................................................................................9


















  1. Introduction

How to recruit, retain, reward, and motivate staff regularly tops your interest list.

Doing these well is the most important strategic role of the manager or the Human Resources professional. In what other capacity can you contribute more to the success of your organization than in encouraging employee involvement and employee engagement? Employee involvement and employee engagement matter to your organization's success.

Every person has different motivations for working. The reasons for working are as individual as the person. Employers should recognize the importance of labor motivation towards the success of the organization. And therefore an effective human resource management strategy should be adopted in order to establish proper labor satisfaction.

Motivation refers to a strategy used for improving employer- employee relations in an organization. Motivation is a driving force within the employees by which they attempt to achieve their targets and goals in order to fulfill organizational expectations. There are several different theories of motivation and it is important for both employer and employee to be aware of them.

But, we all work because we obtain something that we need from work. The something we obtain from work impacts our morale and motivation and the quality of our lives. Here is the most recent thinking about motivation, what people want from work.


2.Employee motivation


To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention to the financial and psychological and even physiological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise.

Increasingly the influence of behavioral science discoveries are becoming important not merely because of the widely-acknowledged limitations of money as a motivator, but because of the changing mix and nature of tasks (e.g. more service and professional jobs and far fewer unskilled and repetitive production jobs).

The former demand better-educated, mobile and multi-skilled employees much more likely to be influenced by things like job satisfaction, involvement, participation, etc. than the economically dependent employees of yesteryear.


3. Rewards and Recognition


Employee Motivation is a widely practiced exercise today across all corporate sectors regardless of their size of being either big or small. Just like the psychological need for any individual to be appreciated over his efforts, the same idea of thought stems the need for rewards and recognition in order to increase the work drive of an employee and increase his efficiency and seriousness towards work.

Rewards and Recognition could not be a priced possession tangibly, but it rather plays a significant role in shaping the mental frame of an employee and attuning him to the goals of the organization in order to meet their set plans and targets to achieve success.

Every human being likes to be appreciated, and when an employer or a boss shows recognition or acknowledges the efforts of an employee, it encourages them to become more self-motivated backed by a will to contribute to the goals of the  business without a reminder to do so. They tend to develop an emotion of a personal goal with the success of the organization, thereby displaying a better performance graph and increased participation, along with self initiative towards a project.

Apart from self motivation and increased efficiency to perform well; the business models understand the scope of Employee Motivation from another angle too.

Rewards and Recognition foster a feeling of competition, thereby taking the title as a certificate of their good work. This positive certificate would want to be achieved by any serious worker and he or she would strive for the same.

A feeling of competition among the employees fosters an urge to be better than the rest, and many times break the paradigms and evolve as better than the best.

All this contributes to higher efficiency and performance drive imbibed in the spirit of the employee. Recognition and reward programs today are widely practiced by many corporate firms, which leads to a lot of happy faces and some more satisfied employees.

Work satisfaction is of utmost importance to the phenomenon of employee retention. Most of the employees though may be well engaged in a firm, but that would not necessarily mean that they are hundred percent satisfied in their positions. Therefore, apart from increased work efficiency and fostering a feeling of competition among employees, the motivational aspect of reward and recognition plays an instrument in bringing about employee retention. Today, with the multiplicity of options in the job market, job switches are very common. Hence, the only key to ensure maximum longevity of an individual within the company is by ensuring that the worker is duly satisfied in the firm.

Over here, the human resource executive plays a vital role in understanding the potential of an employee as against his work track record, which decides who is to be motivated and in what form.

Employee Motivation can arise from psychological to financial increment. It is a human resource executive who has to identify individually the need of the worker.

There can be appraisals, to recognition to elevating a person from his designation to a better one by means of promotion, merit pay etc. All this depends from case to case, depending on how the employee has been performing and his potential showed along the line to determine how the person has to be recognized or rewarded on the type of work quality displayed over a period of time.

Therefore, it is the machinery of human resource which identifies the motivational factor of an individual and facilitates efficiency in the work by taking care of the mental as well as other professional needs of the employee.


4. Money as basic motivation.


An appropriate starting point is considering money as a motivator. Many employers believe that the workers would be motivated by obtaining the highest possible income. Of cause the most basic and primary motivating factor of a rational economic man is the maximum gain. In this strategy employers can motivate their labors through increasing their salaries and wages, extra payment through performance evaluation and other financial benefits such as transport allowance, medical allowance etc.

Motivation is individual and diverse. Some people work for love; others work for personal fulfillment. Others like to accomplish goals and feel as if they are contributing to something larger than themselves, something important. Some people have personal missions they accomplish through meaningful work. Others truly love what they do or the clients they serve. Some like the camaraderie and interaction with customers and coworkers. Other people like to fill their time with activity. Some workers like change, challenge, and diverse problems to solve.

Whatever your personal reasons for working, the bottom line, however, is that almost everyone works for money. Whatever you call it: compensation, salary, bonuses, benefits or remuneration, money pays the bills. Money provides housing, gives children clothing and food, sends teens to college, and allows leisure activities, and eventually, retirement. To underplay the importance of money and benefits as motivation for people who work is a mistake.

Fair benefits and pay are the cornerstone of a successful company that recruits and retains committed workers. If you provide a living wage for your employees, you can then work on additional motivation issues. Without the fair, living wage, however, you risk losing your best people to a better-paying employer.


5. Recognition for Performance and other needs


In The Human Capital Edge, authors Bruce Pfau and Ira Kay say that people want recognition for their individual performance.

Additionally, the authors found that a disconnect continues to exist between what employers think people want at work and what people say they want for motivation.

Employers far underrate the importance to employees of such things as flexible work schedules ,stock options, a chance to learn or opportunities for advancement in their decision to join or leave a company. There are factors that generally cause a deep commitment to job performance for most employees.

These are:

1. The work itself – to what extent does the employees see the work as meaningful and worthwhile

2. Responsibility – to what extent does the employees have assignment and the authority necessary to take care of a significant function of the organization

3. Recognition – to what extent is the employees aware of how highly other people value the contributions made by by then employee

4. Advancement-how much opportunity is there for the employee to assume greater responsibilities in the firm




If an employee's job satisfies his or her needs, the employee responds more favorably to the job and bring greater commitment to the job. Such employees tend to take their responsibilities seriously, act positively for the firm, and are absent from work only rarely. Total disregard for employee complaints can lead to serious problems for the firm.

Now is the time when you are more likely to find a workforce that has been sapped of energy and runs low on morale. A cross-section feedback from employees across industries would reveal that most of them are at a new low at work, in their career.

The reason for employee motivation being down in the dumps need not be something to do with their own jobs or their personal lives – employees are part of the society and they see and feel what goes on around them.

When there is recession everywhere, when there is downsizing in their industry, when people have been let go at their competitors and when they find their neighbour or a distant relative being out of job for no fault of his, employees are likely to get affected by these signals from the economy and the society. And, unfortunately, it may seem a lot easier for many people to feel sad than it is for them to feel happy. To feel negative is the natural side of many people, as one of the basic human needs is the need for security and safety. When that need is not addressed, the vibrations from what they see and hear affect the way they think.

So, do not be surprised if there is something you find lacking in your workforce – in fact, you should be surprised if your entire organisation is bubbling with energy. If that’s the case, full credits to the management team and the HR department. Because, that is precisely what management and Human Resources Management folks are supposed to do now – to infuse their employees with positive energy.









2.Susan M. Heathfield Human Resources Guide Guide since 2000


4.Rakhi Chowdhary -Employee Motivation Programs


6.И.П. Агабекян English for managers, Moscow 2009



















1. введение


Как привлечь, удержать, вознаградить и мотивировать персонал регулярно  возглавляет список ваших интересах.

Выполнение этих и является наиболее важной стратегической роли менеджера или людских ресурсов профессионала. В качестве кого вы можете вносить больший вклад в успех  вашей организации, чем в поощрении  участия служащих и вовлечения сотрудников? Участие сотрудников и вопрос вовлечения сотрудников к успеху вашей организации.

Каждый человек имеет  различные мотивации для работы. Причин для работы так же индивидуальны, как человек. Работодатели должны признать важность мотивации труда к успеху организации. И поэтому эффективны стратегии управления человеческими ресурсами должна быть принята в целях создания надлежащих удовлетворенности трудом.

Мотивация относится к  стратегии, используемые для улучшения  трудовых отношений в организации. Мотивация является движущей силой в пределах сотрудников с помощью которых они пытаются достичь своих целей и задач в целях выполнения организационно ожидания. Есть несколько различных теорий мотивации, и это важно как для работодателя и работника, чтобы быть осведомлены о них.

Но, мы все работаем, потому что мы получаем то, что нам нужно  от работы. То, что мы получим от работы влияет на наш моральный дух и  мотивацию и качество нашей жизни. Вот самые последние размышления о мотивации, то, что люди хотят от работы.

Информация о работе Employee motivation in HR management