Cross-cultural communicatoin

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Мая 2015 в 13:33, реферат

Описание работы

Many problems related to culture are international and even global dimension. Acute problem of "mass culture", spirituality and lack of spirituality.At the same time becoming increasingly important impact, dialogue, mutual understanding of different cultures, including the relationship of modern Western culture and traditional cultures of developing countries in Asia and Latin America. Thus, interest in issues of cultural theory has profound practical roots

Содержание работы

Introduction 3
The concept of cross-cultural communication 4
The interaction of cultures in different social groups 5
Basic concepts 8
Conclusion. 9
Bibliography 10

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Ministry of Education and Science

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"South Ural State University (National Research University) "

Faculty "Autotractor"

Department of "Road transport and service vehicles".










The abstract

By topic:

«Cross-cultural communicatoin»

On the subject "English"






                                                                               student group AT-151

                                                                               _____________ / E.K.Luzina /









                                                                              _____________ / Ladygina S.Y. /









Chelyabinsk 2014

Table of Contents
























Many problems related to culture are international and even global dimension. Acute problem of "mass culture", spirituality and lack of spirituality. At the same time becoming increasingly important impact, dialogue, mutual understanding of different cultures, including the relationship of modern Western culture and traditional cultures of developing countries in Asia and Latin America. Thus, interest in issues of cultural theory has profound practical roots. All this has stimulated the development of the philosophical problems of culture and has led to significant progress in the field of knowledge, until the question of the creation of a special science of culture - cultural studies.

The study of culture has deep philosophical traditions (philosophy of history, philosophy of culture) and attracts the attention of other sciences, first of all - archeology, ethnography, psychology, history, sociology, not to mention the science studying various forms of consciousness - art, morals, religion and etc. Each of the specific sciences creates a certain idea of culture as the subject of his research. Thus, the "image culture" in various sciences looks different. Western scholars culture count from 150 to 250 definitions of culture. This is due not only to the specific interests of specific sciences, but also a variety of ideological positions and even different approaches within the same world from which to view culture.




















The concept of cross-cultural communication

Cross-cultural communication - communication between different human cultures.

Features intercultural communication studied interdisciplinary level and within the sciences such as cultural studies, psychology, linguistics, ethnology, anthropology, sociology, each of which uses its own approaches to their study.

It is believed that this concept was introduced in the 1950s by American cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall in the framework developed by the US State Department for their adaptation programs of American diplomats and businessmen in other countries ...

Originally to describe intercultural communication use the classic understanding of culture as a more or less stable system of conscious and unconscious rules, norms, values, structures, artifacts - national or ethnic culture.

Currently, increasingly dominated by the dynamic understanding of culture as a way of life and system behavior, norms, values of any social group. Dynamic concept of culture does not imply strict stability of the cultural system, to a certain extent, it can be changed and modified depending on the social situation.




















The interaction of cultures in different social groups

Today there is an urgent need to develop a cultural approach to the construction of the theory and practice of social work, which is caused not only traditional polisostavnostyu cultural image of Russia, but also complex processes of socio-cultural dynamics of the XX century, during which disappears mandatory before the codification of society. structured hierarchy of existence, there is a multiplicity of cultural identities and the right to self-identification.

Russia - is a continent of ethnic groups, each with its inherent ive them a system of symbolic representations and semantic relations. The Cultural competence involves knowledge of cultural technologies and symbolic objects, the ability to use this knowledge in their daily practice. How is it possible to take into account cultural factors. There are two aspects culturogical competence: individual and institutional. Individual competence - this understanding social worker distinctive features of culture and their impact on the existential, psychological. ideological, social characteristics, on smyslozhivnennuyu and behavioral organization of the continuum of everyday life. Institutional competence characterizes the cultural view of social awareness of the service and its ability to work in multicultural situations, adapting to cultural diversity.

At the end of XX century coexistence in society of two or more crops are not the only problem. Today's problem - it is a problem of the existence of the set of mixed forms of culture and border caused a total rejection of norms - social, ethical, aesthetic, linguistic. This concept the plurality of postmodern "forms of life" (L. Wittgenstein) is complicated in our country transgression of cultural matrices.

The growing interaction of cultures causes a significant change in the cultural forms of life at both the national and the local-group level, in the language and in everyday practice. In this case, the scale of new information coming from the cultural environment, so intense, that may cause the representatives of culture - the recipient partial loss of cultural identity, in the extreme case - a culture shock. The crisis of identity is always fraught with phenomena of marginalization, anomie, deviaatnosti, psychopathology, etc. The tasks of social workers are in this case, acculturation and cultural adaptation of customers who do not cope independently with fast or dramatic) socio-cultural changes.

Therefore, you must have an understanding of the nature and the main stages of cultural adaptation, about the personal and cultural characteristics that deepen or mitigate collision of an individual or group with the new social and cultural reality. The ability to identify obsolete and prevent client cultural stereotypes, help him make new patterns, overcome, if necessary, rejection of new cultural traditions should be considered an important theoretical and practical skills.

It is important to emphasize that almost every social group - this group, faced with the problem of cultural adaptation. Migrants and refugees arriving in the new socio-cultural environment, the person who changed the social status of the profession as a result of the change, the loss or acquisition of power, improvement or deterioration of the material conditions of life, teenagers and senior citizens, young people, drafted into the army or who came to serve on a contract basis, orphaned children, prisoners, members of deviant or delinquent groups, etc. - They are all more or less affected by the problems of inculturation in its various versions. So, for migrants this is a problem of initiation to the cultural patterns of the dominant society, so it is important to organize a social worker assimilation typical behaviors, values and ways of cultural activity. Many people form groups with their unique subculture. Such, for example, the military, adolescents, a group of individuals with deviant behavior. The social worker must not only know the specifics of such groups, the distinctive features of the subculture as a special sphere of culture, but in each case to decide whether it is necessary to help the individual to assimilate subcultural standards or adapt this subculture and its carriers into the mainstream culture.

In our country, are experiencing a period of cultural transformation, modernization and innovation characteristic of the XX century inversion of high culture, the so-called "culture of culture", combined with the inversion of transculturation and the transition of the former counterculture to the rank of the official ruling. Changing facilities, processes and methods of socio-cultural inheritance causes, especially in the older generation, the reaction of alienation. In a situation where significant previously targeted and values, philosophical, ideological and moral principles of the society lost its relevance, "collective memory" has become a source of cultural conflict that. As is known, in contrast to the social conflict, there is no positive. In the cultural center of modern Russian society there is a contradiction between conventional transmitted from generation to generation, and institutional regulatory elements, which reduces the efficiency of socio-cultural regulation. Social experience should be interpreted from the point of view of the admissibility of some of its components in the existing conditions so today. to consolidate the society, to raise the level of understanding of its members. At the same time in our country is practically not institutionally provided socialization of people of retirement age, although this time the person develops a new social and cultural identity, and even in a stable society needs the help of special social institutions. In the context of the need for radical social change socialization and inkulturautsii to ensure the acquisition of knowledge and skills adequate to the existence of socially significant situations, increased many times. We must be aware of the entropy potential cultural conflicts, their practical forms, and the most essential elements to own methods of prevention and settlement of cultural conflicts on the basis of the principles of tolerance and complementarity.

This is all the more important that the source of cultural conflicts of our society in the near future will be the growth of social differentiation and specialization of the corresponding cultural. For decades, Soviet culture was raised by behavioral and mental homogeneity of society, the idea of a unified for all lifestyles. Of course, in reality there were underground, and the elite, but their existence was little known to the public: the first representative was deprived of opportunities, and the second she was not interested in a demonstration of privilege. Folding today Cultural polymorphism is embodied, in particular, and in a variety of ways of life, cultivated various social and ethno-cultural groups. Lack of organization and regulation of traditions of life in the new class, and socio-professional groups, their lack of understanding of normativity of everyday life, the hard way of life of conformity, level. style, quality of life status and stratification toiletries, ignorance of these rules cause problems on a personal level of self-identification, maladjustment, psychopathology, and the group - the problem of communicating and consolidation in the context of cultural change. Tasks sociocultural regulation should always be the focus of attention of the social worker as social work as an activity designed to, including, and regulate human coexistence. The liberalization of value-normative sphere does not negate, but greatly complicates the work of integrating the social whole. The modern world is fundamentally unstable, it is full of conflicts and contradictions. Moreover, in the postmodern reality blurred opposition "center-periphery", "high-low", "individual-collective", "part of the whole," "presence-absence" etc. But rizomnosti tolerance, relativism maze must, however, observe the principle of "minimum necessary solidarity" (A.R. Radcliffe-Brown).










Basic concepts

  • Communication - the act or process of transferring information to other people or living beings, the relationship between two or more individuals, based on mutual understanding, communication of information from one person to another, or a number of individuals.
  • Information - mediated forms of communication results reflect changing object changes in order to preserve the integrity of their system. In the material world of human information is materialized through its media and thanks to him there. The essence of the material world appears before a researcher in the unity of form and content. The information is transferred through the carrier. Material carrier gives information form. In the process of forming the information carrier change is performed. Definition, the term information is not, as it is not a concept. There is information in the communication channels of control systems. Not to be confused with the concept of information category knowledge. Knowledge is defined by the category information. Information - under the laws of the Russian Federation - information on persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes regardless of their presentation. Information reduces uncertainty, incompleteness of knowledge about the persons, objects, events, etc. Information - it's what leads to change or retain the status of the object included in the communication.
  • Language - the set of all words of the people and their right combination for communicating ideas, communication system, consisting of small fragments and a set of rules that govern the way of using these fragments to produce statements that have meaning. System sounds and written symbols used by people a particular country or area in order to communicate with each other.
  • Culture - a way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a certain group of people at a particular time. Customs, beliefs, art.









In Russia, integration with the West, the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, from a planned economy to a market economy was accompanied by praise and imitation of alien values and slandering in the eyes of Russians socialist values, which is an organic fusion of traditional entailed in the late 80s devaluation of all Russian. Pro-American propaganda, self-flagellation, economic and political crises have led to the fact that in the early 90-ies of the spiritual atmosphere in Russia was permeated pessimistic and decadent mood, awareness of worthlessness and hopelessness of the future past, indifference and indifference to the present. The situation of anarchy and permissiveness resulted in a massive moral nihilism. Indiscriminate imposition of Western values from above, through the media, domestic policy, economic policy and change the way of life of Russians, respectively, spontaneous rejection of the bottom, their rejection of the Russian people entailed in the 90-ies of XX century aggravation in the spiritual atmosphere of conflict between the Russian society newly appeared values and reality, the essence of which amounted to the following contradiction:

  • Between-oriented society of equal opportunities and glaring inequalities starting opportunities not only for representatives of various social and income groups, but also between the inhabitants of large industrial regions of the European part of Russia and the rest of the country, between urban and rural areas, between different climate zones and regions different economic orientation;
  • between a focus on political and economic freedom, the ability to influence their own destiny and extremely little freedom of choice that fate;
  • between a focus on the establishment of the rule of law in Russia and flagrant lawlessness corrupt government, criminal lawlessness;
  • between the desire to see Russia as a great power with a thriving modern market economy and progressive democratic state and the actual position of a second-rate country economically declining, monstrous social stratification, the poor and helpless people.

The negative effects of these contradictions can be clearly seen on the materials: statistics. In contrast to the socio-economic phenomena of spiritual culture is difficult to predict. However, now there is a trend that can only steer the course of events in the optimistic scenario. This - the replacement of internationalism and patriotism tactful nationalism in politics, humanization of education, increased attention to a specific person in the social sphere, the primacy of spiritual values over material, in-depth analysis and reassessment, the revival of Orthodox traditions in the home.


    2. Mitina I.V. “On the necessity of culturogical orientation of the theory and practice of social work”
    3. Petruhincev N.N. “XX lectures on the history of world culture: Textbook allowance for students in higher education”
    5. Toynbee A. “Study of History”
    6. Matsumoto "The Psychology and Culture"


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