Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Января 2013 в 17:00, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Составьте предложения, употребив оборот there is/are в соответствующем времени.
1. There are descriptive and prescriptive laws. 2. There is no unified system of law accepted by all countries. 3. There are laws in every community made for self-protection. 4. There were two main traditions in the world: English Common law and Continental or Roman law. 5. When William of Normandy invaded England in 1066 there was no law common to the whole kingdom. 6. In ancient times there were travelling judges who tried cases. 7. Nowadays, there are Statute Law, Common Law and Case Law in English law

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СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ «Государственное и  муниципальное управление»








К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н  А Я    Р А Б О Т  А


По дисциплине: Английский язык

На тему: __________________________________________________

Вариант № _1______________________












Студент __2__ курса

______3_____ семестр






_____январь________, 2013__






1. Соотнесите транскрипцию с написанными словами.

1 ['pÀni∫m∂nt]

a) responsibility

2 [lO:]

b) offence

3 [pr∂'tek∫(∂)n]

c) punishment

4 [s∂'sai∂ti]

d) legislation

5 [∂'fens]

e) protection

6 ['prOp∂ti]

f) rule

7 [ris"pOns∂'biliti]

g) society

8 ['kriminl]

h) law

9 [ru:l]

i) property

10 ["ledZis'lei∫(∂)n]

j) criminal


Ответ: 1)C 2)H 3)E 4)G 5)B 6)I 7)A 8)J 9)F 10)D



2а.  Определите часть речи на основе  суффикса, имеющегося в каждом  слове. Заполните таблицу соответствующими  частями речи: 1) существительными (Nouns), 2) прилагательными (Adjectives), 3) глаголами (Verbs), 4) наречиями (Adverbs). Переведите слова и выучите их наизусть.



















































2c. Напишите  глаголы, от которых образованы  следующие существительные. Переведите слова на русский язык и выучите их наизусть.
















4. Cоотнесите  фразы, данные в правой колонке,  с их английскими эквивалентами, данными в левой колонке.

1 categories of law

a) нарушать  правила

2 to define the rights and obligations

b) нести  наказание

3 a civil action/case

c) поддерживать  порядок

4 to suffer a penalty

d) совершить  преступление

5 to maintain order

e) споры  между гражданами

6 to commit a crime

f) юридические  и физические лица

7 to protect property

g) отрасли  права

8 disputes between citizens

h) гражданское  дело

9 to break the rules

i) защищать  собственность

10 legal entities and individuals

j) определять  права и обязанности




Ответ: 1)G 2)J 3)H 4)B 5)C 6)D 7)I 8)E 9)A 10)F


5. Соотнесите  фразы, данные в правой колонке,  с их английскими эквивалентами, данными в левой колонке, и выучите их наизусть.

1 Employment law

a) экологическое право

2 court procedure

b) определение наказания

3 financial transaction

c) антимонопольное право

4 rights and obligations

d) управление компанией

5 Environmental law

e) трудовое право

6 running of the company

f) нарушение гражданского  права

7 violation of civil law

g) судебный процесс

8 setting of punishment

h) охрана природы

9 nature protection

i) права и обязанности

10 Antitrust law

j) финансовая сделка


Ответ: 1)E 2)G 3)J 4)I 5)A 6)D 7)F 8)B 9)H 10)C



6. Составьте  предложения, употребив оборот there is/are в соответствующем времени.

1. There are descriptive and prescriptive laws. 2. There is no unified system of law accepted by all countries. 3. There are laws in every community made for self-protection. 4. There were two main traditions in the world: English Common law and Continental or Roman law. 5. When William of Normandy invaded England in 1066 there was no law common to the whole kingdom. 6. In ancient times there were travelling judges who tried cases. 7. Nowadays, there are Statute Law, Common Law and Case Law in English law. 8. In the future there will be universal system of laws for all the countries of the world. 9. There will be time when people will live absolutely safely and comfortably. 10. There is a great difference between the world’s systems of law.











7. Поставьте глагол to be/to have в нужной форме.

Each country in the world has its own system of law. Many years ago in Greece each city state had its own law, some laws were common to many states. One of the earliest systems of law was the collection of laws known as the code of Hammurabi. Roman law was one of the greatest systems that have ever existed. In ancient times Roman law had a deep influence upon the law of the world. Roman law had a strong influence on the law of most European countries and some influence on Anglo-Saxon law, which was the other great system of law system in the world. The Napoleonic Code was a splendid achievement. French public law not was codified. There was no whole system of codification which prevails in many countries. Nowadays, informal rules have very little to do with the laws created by governments.


9. Восстановите порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях и ответьте на них.

1. Do/what/call/we/of social and moral/informal rules/behavior? 2. Laws/regulate/what/the relations/people/between? 3. Be/customs/should/written down? 4. We/can/rules/break/any penalty/suffering/without? 5. What/Thomas Hobbes/did/as life in a/call/“state of nature”? 6. Concerns/what law/and tax responsibilities/tax matters? 7. What/involves statutes/law/and rules of environmental protection? 8. Does/deal with/Company law/the legal methods/of company formation,/and financial affairs/company running? 9. Ensures and regulates/what/fair competition,/law/protection/from monopolization? 10. What/sets control of/law/working conditions,/and employment relations/deals with rules/and regulations of labor?


1) What call we do informal rules of social and moral behavior?

2) What laws regulate relations people between?

3) Should be written down customs?

4) Can we break rules suffering without any penalty?

5) What did Thomas Hobbes as life in a call “state of nature”?

6) What law concerns and tax responsibilities, tax matters?

7) What involves statutes, law and rules of environmental protection?

8) Does Company law deal with of company formation, the legal methods and financial affairs company running?

9) What law ensures and regulates fair competition, protection from monopolization?

10) What law sets control of working conditions and employment relations, deals with rules and regulations of labor?



11. Выберите  необходимую видовременную форму  глагола, данного в скобках.

Nowadays, there are two main traditions of law in the world. One is based on English Common law. The other tradition was known as Continental, or Roman law.

Common law, or the case law system, differs from Continental law as it has developed gradually throughout history. It is not the result of government attempts to codify every legal relation. Customs and court rulings have been as important as statutes. Judges does not apply the law, in some cases they made law, and their, interpretations may become precedents for other courts.

Before William of Normandy invades England in 1066 no law was common to the whole kingdom.





12. Прочитайте  текст Law in Russia еще раз. Согласитесь (Т) или опровергните (F) следующие утверждения.

1. Public law concerns disputes between citizens.

2. Criminal law is a leading category of the whole system of law.

3. Constitutional law in Russia is based on the country’s constitution.

4. Administrative law deals with a government and ministries’ executive and administrative activity.

5. Wrongs committed against individuals are not considered to be harmful to the welfare of the society.

6. Public law regulates relations between private citizens of one country and those of another.

7. All spheres of financial activity are regulated by Financial law.

8. The central institution of Civil law is the freedom of speech.

9. If there are problems with property, its distribution or change you should follow the rules of Civil law.

10. Contract law deals with matters arising from employment relations.


Ответ: 1)Т 2)F 3)T 4)T 5)F 6)F 7)T 8)T 9)T 10)T

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