Polyvalent vaccine

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Февраля 2014 в 09:29, доклад

Описание работы

Polyvalent vaccine - a vaccine containing more than one type of antigen. Polyvalent vaccine - (from the Greek. polys - numerous, lat. valentia - force and the vaccine),, vaccine, vaccine, consisting of several. strains types or variants of the pathogen of a single disease. Can be bivalent, trivalent etc., E.g., P. century against leptospirosis of animals consists of 8 options.

Содержание работы

Polyvalent vaccine
And his discovering
The vacderm , virosalm and Equilis Resequin etc…

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Polyvalent vaccine


Сompleted:Makhanbetova B.Amirkhankyzy S. Duisen S.

Took:Kenesbayev M.



    • Polyvalent vaccine
    • And his discovering
    • The vacderm , virosalm and Equilis Resequin etc…



    • Polyvalent vaccine - a vaccine containing more than one type of antigen. 
      Polyvalent vaccine - (from the Greek. polys - numerous, lat. valentia - force and the vaccine),, vaccine, vaccine, consisting of several. strains types or variants of the pathogen of a single disease. Can be bivalent, trivalent etc., E.g., P. century against leptospirosis of animals consists of 8 options.



Polyvalent vaccine  
Polyvalent vaccine - include from 4 to 7 cultures of different infections, such as plague, enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis and adenoviroz. 
Polyvalent vaccine are very easy to use and saves time. 
Such vaccines are used twice in the age of the puppy from 2 to 3.5 months at intervals of 4 weeks. For example, the first vaccination made puppy in two months, following a month. 
At the time of vaccination puppy should be healthy, not a tear, not vilify and for him to have a normal body temperature. Vaccination for a healthy puppy goes unnoticed or with a slight indisposition. If after vaccination dog feels bad, then either she was unwell at the moment, was either substandard vaccine - has expired or has violated the rules of storage. 
Vaccinate adult dog once a year, preferably vaccine containing more and rabies, for example geksadog.


«Вакдерм» used for the prevention and treatment of microsporia and trihofitii cats, dogs, fur animals and rabbits.

Salmonella                 psittacosis pigeons  

The trade name: «Виросальм». 
International nonproprietary name of vaccine: the Vaccine against salmonellosis and Newcastle disease and pigeons, ornamental birds associated inactivated.

Rinomneumanosis and flu horses

Эквилис Резеквин (Equilis Resequin) (Intervet) 
Эквилис Резеквин (Equilis Resequin) - inactivated associated polyvalent vaccine against and equine flu, containing purified antigens of herpes virus (serotype I and IV) and influenza virus horses (H7N7, H3N8). 
In one dose of the vaccine, which has a volume of 2 ml contains: 
50 micrograms of influenza virus hemagglutinin horses strain And/equi 1/Prague/ 1/56; 
on 20 micrograms haemagglutinin virus equine flu strains штамов A/equi 2/ Newmarket/ 1/93 (American type) and A/equi 2/ Newmarket/ 2/93 (European type); not less 107.8 TCD50 herpes virus horses type 1 strain RAC-H, not less than 106.5 TCD50 herpes virus horses 4-th type strain 2252. ; 
In the composition of the vaccine also includes adjuvant - hydroxyl aluminium, and sodium phosphate buffer solution. 
veterinary drug

Информация о работе Polyvalent vaccine